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Amane, Aoi and Akane are waiting for Yashiro to arrive at the gate. She was in charge of cleaning duty so they had to wait for her

"Why's Nene-chan taking so long?" Aoi asked worriedly

"I'll check up on her" Amane ran back to their classroom. He peeked through the glass door and saw something that made his blood boil


Yashiro was exhausted cleaning the whole room as punishment after losing a bet from one of her classmates. She was extremely tired that after she plopped her head on the table, she immediately fell asleep.

Lemon's POV

"I'm gonna help Yashiro-san clean the classroom. I don't want her to get exhausted" I mumbled to myself.

I head back to our classroom only to be greeted by a sleeping Yashiro and a clean room

"I guess I was a little late" I sighed to myself as I sat and faced Yashiro

I was startled when a harsh wind blew in my face. I stared back at her and cherry blossoms were scattered prettily on her hair. It perfectly settled on her head that it made it look like it rightfully belonged there

"You're so cute, Yashiro-san" I mumbled softly as I gazed at her face

Some of the cherry blossoms fell and caressed her face. She scrunched her nose from the tickling sensation. I laughed quietly from her cuteness and can't help but rest my hand on top of her head. I stroked her hair gently and took the cherry blossoms one by one

I flinched when someone suddenly slapped my hands away from her. I looked up and saw an unamused Amane

"What do you think you're doing, Lemon?"

"I wonder what" I replied sarcastically. I was irritated when he ruined my moment with Yashiro

"What's going on?" We both looked at the owner's voice

"Nothing. Let's go home now" Amane slightly dragged her out but she didn't forget to say goodbye to me

End of Lemon's POV

Yashiro and Amane arrived at the gate and she instantly apologized for making her friends wait

"Yashiro, I found this new cafe near our school. Wanna go with me?" He asked full of hope

"Senpai!" The blonde boy appeared as he approached them

"Ah! I'm sorry, Amane-kun. Maybe next time. Let's go, Kou-kun" Yashiro grabbed Kou's hand with an excited face and bid farewell to her friends

"I wonder where they're going" Akane said aloud

"And they're even holding hands" Aoi joined in and the couple smirked at each other

Amane had a dark expression but he couldn't do anything so he stomped his way to his home


"Here, Senpai. Yashiro can change in my room and I'll change downstairs. Just come down when you hear Teru-niisan's cue" he handed her the supposedly costume and left to give her some privacy

After successfully changing in it, she patiently waited for Teru's cue and surprise their little sister

"Let's welcome, Princess Nene from the Yashiro Kingdom!" Teru loudly announced and Tiara squealed excitedly. She went downstairs and saw Kou waiting for her

Kou was mesmerized by the sight displayed before his eyes. His Senpai looked like an angel. She looked beautiful in her dress that it made him speechless

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