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"That's all for today, class. By the way, you can choose your group BUT make sure that it will only consist of five members. Understood?"

"Yes, sensei!" They all responded. After they bid their teacher goodbye, they hurriedly scramble trying to recruit members for their group

"Aoi-chan, can I be in your group?" Nene asked

"You're more than welcome to join my group, Nene-chan" her friend replied

"I'll also join your group, Aoi-chan" Akane said and sat on her desk

"We're 2 members short" Yashiro said

"Don't worry. We're gonna be complete soon" Akane said while throwing a knowing look at her girlfriend who winked in return

"Yo! Can I join your group?" Amane approached them and sat on Nene's desk

"Of course, Amane" Aoi responded

"Now, for the last member" Aoi mumbled quietly

"Darin!" Lemon appeared out of nowhere and sat at the desk behind Yashiro then hugged her

"Hanii!" She played along while giggling as she returned the gesture

"Excuse me but am I tripping or what?" Amane asked Akane

"Definitely not"

"Nene-chan, mind explain to us?"

"Let me handle it, Darin" Lemon said

"Yesterday I was upset and she cheered me up then we came up with this nickname for our everlasting friendship" He made sure to pop the 'p' at the end while smirking at Amane

"You call that friendship? Be thankful Yashiro is oblivious to your ulterior motive in suggesting that nickname" He glared at him

"Ulterior motive? What do you mean?" She asked

"Don't mind him, Darin. He's just jealous that I have a nickname for you. Shall I call you yome?" He asked teasingly

"I will hit you" he replied

"How scary~" Amane's eyebrow was twitching because of Lemon


They all went to Lemon's house with Kou tagging along. They entered his room and was decorated with figurines, manga, posters and a standee. He even has a gaming computer and a t.v in his room

"Bro! You rich!" Amane gasped and cursed at himself for forgetting that he was a rival

"Your room looks nice, Yamabuki-kun" Aoi complimented

"But mine is nicer right?" Akane asked beside her

"Of course, dear" she winked at him and he hugged her

"You don't seem too surprised, Senpai?" Kou noticed

"Oh, I've been here many times so it isn't surprising to me anymore. It's almost like my second home. Like coming back from a tiring day" she smiled and sat on the bed

"WHAT!?" They all looked at Lemon then Yashiro then back and forth

"She comes here to watch anime together or read mangas. Lately, I've been teaching her to play games on my computer" he explained to them while displaying a sly smirk

"I've had enough. Let's go fetch the materials needed to make our project downstairs" Akane said and left with Aoi. They all followed afterwards but Amane remained

"This guy.... He's almost winning. I can't lose to him" he mumbled to himself while looking at the bed. Suddenly, he imagined how the two would spend time together

"Come here, Darin" Lemon made grabby hands while laying down on the bed

"Yes, Hanii" she sat on top of him and was going for a kis-

"Get out! Not happening!" He jumped on the bed and rolled around. Then, he gazed at the gaming computer

"Hanii, can you teach me how to play that?"

"Come here, Darin"

"But there's only one seat"

"Then, sit on my lap, Darin~" he smirked at her. She obliged while blushing

"Hanii, am I doing it right?"

"You're doing great, Darin. But please stop moving or you'll wake up Lemon jr" he smirked

"Oh, Hanii~"

"You bastard! Die! Die!" Amane jumped from the bed and sat on the chair while thrashing his legs

"What's going on?" Kou arrived first and looked at him weirdly

"Let's start with our project" he collected himself and tidied his classmate's room


"That was tiring" Aoi clapped her hands and dragged Nene with her to get some snacks

"Yamabuki-senpai, teach me how to flirt" Kou faced him and clasped his hands together

"Hey! I thought you were on the same team" Amane frowned

"I am but we need his help and you know that too"

"You just have to act like yourself while subtly flirt with her" he said

"But no matter how hard you two try. It won't work" he added

"What? Why?" Kou asked

"I think I know that answer" Akane said

"As expected from Akane-san" he clapped his hands at him

"She likes bl right?" He started and the duo nodded

"The thing is, she ships you two that's why flirting with her will be useless" he laughed at their dumbfounded faces

"Try testing it later" he suggested

The two girls came back and handed them snacks. Amane decided to test it and whispered the plan to Kou

"Drink with me, Amane-sama" they did the love shot wherein they intertwined their arms and drank their soda. From the corner of their eyes, they saw Yashiro blushing while a hand was placed on her mouth and she took pictures discreetly


They all went home except for Kou and Amane. They stayed to declare something

"Lemon, don't think that you won already" Amane said

"Yamabuki-senpai, I'll make sure that she will notice my feelings"

"I don't intend to lose. So, good luck to us" he smirked at them

"Even though we're rivals, I hope we get along" Amane added

"Yeah. I don't want to upset Senpai"

"Of course. We're friends but at the same time, we're rivals. Also, you two should watch some romcom anime. It will help" he smiled at them In a playful manner

"See you tomorrow" the duo went home as well. The three of them swelled with pride, confident that they will capture Yashiro's heart first

(Yome means wifey. If you close your eyes, you see nothing right? So that means all of us have already seen nothing. • o • JAAAYYY OUT!!)

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