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Yashiro wanted to be absent today but she couldn't do that. She didn't want the boys to wait any longer so she gathered all her courage and got ready for school

"Since when did the school get so big?" She asked herself as she entered the gate. She was extra anxious for today

"Good morning, Nene-chan!" Her purple-haired friend walked beside her along with her boyfriend

"Good morning Aoi-chan and Akane-san" she replied

"So, mind telling us who made your heart go doki doki in the end?"

"No spoilers" she stuck her tongue out childishly

"Eh... You're no fun, Yashiro-san" Aoi complained

"At least give us some hint" Akane said

"No means no"


The trio headed to the cafeteria to eat their lunch with Yashiro and the others

"Guys... It has been a long war and it's finally getting over" Amane said dramatically

"Stop being so dramatic, Amane" Kou rolled his eyes

"If ever my Darin will choose me I hope you won't hold grudges~" Lemon teased

"Shut up. Don't get overconfident" the duo said in unison

"Oh! Nene-chwan~" Lemon ran ahead of them and sat beside her. They soon caught up and sat with them

"Hello, everyone" she shyly greeted them

"Don't be so nervous around us, Senpai"

"The boy's right. Just act like you normally do"

"Ah, what a great day to witness Yashiro harem" Aoi sighed dreamily

"Stop with the weird names, Aoi-chan"

"Anyway, I've slipped a letter on each of your lockers. Read it after class ends" she informed and the trio visibly gulped nervously

(After class)

The trio slowly went to their locker. They took the letter in their hands but neither of them dared to open and read it

"Damn. I'm so nervous that my hands are shaking like a freaking vibra-"

"The hell dude" Amane hissed at him

"Like a freaking vibrating phone, Amane. Why? What was on your mind?~" Lemon teased

"Shut up"

"Let's open it together in a count of 3" Kou said




They opened the letter and each was given a different answer


Dear Amane-kun,

I'm sorry but I only see you as a brother. We've been friends since we were kids so I can't help seeing you as a family to me. I'm sorry if I broke your heart or if I disappointed you but I hope our friendship will still continue. Thank you for your efforts, Amane-kun. You're the best friend I could ever have

Yours truly,
Yashiro Nene


Dear Kou-kun,

You're my precious kouhai. I'm sorry because I didn't choose you. I enjoy being with you but it seems like my heart is longing for someone else. I hope you will continue being friends with me. Thank you for your efforts, Kou-kun. I hope you find your fated partner soon

From Yashiro Nene


Dear Lemon-kun,

You're the cause of my arrhythmia. So, meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind our school and take responsibility! >: (

From Yashiro Nene


Lemon looked at the other two and they were smiling at him.

"Lemon, you lucky bastard" Amane half-heartedly punched his arm

"Yamabuki-senpai, I will not hesitate to murder you if you hurt senpai" Kou smiled sweetly at him

"What are you waiting for?" the choppy-haired boy asked

"Don't make Senpai wait" they both encouraged him

They took their bags and waved goodbye to him

"Thank you guys" he hurriedly went to the said destination while the other two parted ways and went home

When the rejected duo was far enough from each other, tears started to fall from their eyes. Only one thought was stuck in their mind

"Take good care of her for me"


Lemon arrived at the tree and there stood Yashiro. She watched as the petals danced gracefully along with the wind. Light rain started sprinkling as the wind became violent but his gaze was only focused on Yashiro. He approached her and tapped her shoulder

"Uh- It seems like you received my letter" she faced him

"Y-yeah" he approached her and their faces were both flushed

Where did all my confidence go? Lemon asked himself

"So yeah... You're the one I chose... You're the one my heart longed for" she admitted while avoiding his gaze

"Nene-chan, please look at me" her blush deepened when she met his serious gaze

"I want to hear it. I want to hear you say it" he smiled lovingly at her

"Lemon-kun, I l-love you" she mumbled quietly

"Hm? I can't hear you~" he teased

"Lemon-kun, I love you" she said loudly this time

"That's more like it" they both laughed and they were no longer nervous or shy around each other

"I never imagined you'd choose me in the end" he chuckled

"You probably never knew about this but I've liked you for a long time"


"I just pushed away those feelings because I was afraid of ruining our friendship. But in the end, my heart still runs to you" she smiled at him

"Me too"

He held her hands as they connected their foreheads and closed their eyes. The sound of rain accompanying them

"My heart calls for you" beautiful blush adorning both of their faces

"I love you" they said in unison and at that moment their hearts synchronized. They thanked the Gods for letting their paths crossed and for making them their each other's half.

They let go and stared at each other for a while. Lemon thought that it was too early for a kiss on the lips so he kissed her forehead instead. They have all the time they want and he didn't want to rush their relationship

"Shall we dance?" He asked and she nodded

They danced in the rain with ever-blinding smiles on their faces

"Nene-chan, I will love you until the end of our eternity"

-On that day, the lock finally found its key-

(Dayum! My brain is surprisingly creative today. Everyone knows that eternity means endless right? So the line I created "I will love you until the end of our eternity" means he will continue loving her through the infinite centuries and beyond. In short, he will never stop loving her. Sheeessshhhh!!)

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