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It took me two days to clean the room because of Waverly. She had holes in the wall, she had broken things, she torn my damn curtains down which were expensive as hell. But I fixed the room, with no problem. She sat there watching me as she ate her icecream and lays chips. Nasty.

"You good?" Philip asked.

"Yes, I am tired. I took this week off to relax, and shit but I can't Vere has been acting crazy and I can't even breathe if her or Jacob's ass isn't crying."

I was exhausted, I love them both dearly. I understand that Vee is on bedrest, and I get it I do. But I am only one person, am I wrong for feelings this way?

"I see, if you want me to watch little man for a few day's I will. I don't have any cases, well one but he definitely going to prison" Philip laughed.

"Thanks, but no he is my responsibility soley since Stephanie is in jail."

"How long she going to be in there?"

"Shit, the crazy heffa hasn't gotten her arraignment yet. Then she'll get bail I guess, you the lawyer tell me?" I laughed.

"Want me to make sure she don't get bail?" He asked.

"Nah, don't even get into that shit. Just let it ride out" I said.

"Alright, well it's late. I am about to head out, check on Maeve at her dorm and knock the fuck out" he said getting up.

Philip left and I went and got Jacob to take him to the bathroom, gotta get him started now.

I laid down after Jacob didn't use the bathroom and Waverly woke right up.

"Naomi?" She said tapping me, as I laid there.

"I will make you something to eat" I said getting up again.

"I'm not hungry" she said, cutting her light on.

"What's up then baby? What would you like?" I turned and faced her and she was crying.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

"What if I am a horrible mother?" She asked.

"Waverly, your a fine. Look how good Maeve turned out."

"It's not the same as last time. I didn't raise her, I didn't breastfeed, I didn't change her. I didn't do anything, I was only eight. I'm scared" she said.

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