30 • The Help

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Atherton, California

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Atherton, California

So, I came out here with Philip. I told Waverly that I had a conference. Just for two days, to check out this address, I truly want to find her family, or even if her family is alive for one. Just to be able to get some some much needed closure.

Plus, the weekend we had started off a little crazy with her, but it ended good. I did try to get her to have period sex but she was definitely not having it so I gave up.

"Man, look at these got damn houses" Philip said as I drove to the house.

"Shut up" I said.

"Tell me again why you don't spend money like blood psychotic ass?" He laughed.

"Because I am not materialistic, she likes the lavish style. I am fine with just a normal home and car and less than five hundred dollar shoes" I laughed.

"Man, you tripping" he said.

"Anyways, this the house" I stated as Waverly was calling.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"Can, I have a favor?" She asked.


"I lost my wallet, can you cash app me like ten dollars?"

"What are you getting for ten dollars?"

"Ummm...like yes or no?" She laughed.

"Only if you tell me" I smiled.

"No...can I just borrow it?"

"No, but you can have it if you tell me. Is it a butt plug?" I asked and Philip looked at me as I parked.

"For ten dollars?"

"Yeah you right, what you buying Waverly?" I laughed.

"Eww get out my business" she laughed.

"Fine, I will send it" I said and I heard Sailor and Maeve laughing in the background.

"They up to no good" Philip said.

"Man, I know" I laughed and sent her one hundred dollars.

We got out of the car, walking up this long ass circle driveways.

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