Chapter 4

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"Could you read the note out loud Charlie?" Irene asked.
"I-it says, It's currently 1970, My name is Jeremiah Holt. My family and I own this house. This is only our second year living here and we did love it at first. But when the sun goes down and the stars come out, things get a bit eerie around here. My wife has told me on multiple occasions that she's seen a tall, dark shadow in the bushes when she looks out the window. There are also strange noises that I cannot describe. My youngest daughter, Evelyn, went missing a few days ago and we have no idea where she went. I think something is wrong. There's something trying to hurt us. If you see this, RUN." Charlie stated nervously.
They all sat in shock until they heard a creaking noise coming from the back room. The door slowly opened a crack and a high pitched whistling noise sounded. Tatum stood up and started for the creaking door. He immediately put one hand in a fist and with the other he grabbed a large ceramic pot that was on the table.
"Tatum what are you doing?" Vanessa said with a shaken voice.
"Someone has to go check it out right?" Tatum replied.
"I guess you're right. What if there's something in there though?" Vanessa chirped.
"IF there is, they're gonna get a piece of me" Tatum whispered with a smirk.
He crept down the hallway with his back against the wall. The floor boards were creaking with every step. He stopped for a moment and put his head against the wall and took a deep breath.
"3...2...1..." his whispered to himself.
He put his hand on the door and pushed it opened. Hesitantly he peered into the room. The walls were painted a Forrest green colour and there was no furniture except for a dark, oak rocking chair. The chair swayed back and forth creepily as he walked a few steps farther. Tatum saw a small closet. The door was opened and there were some suits hanging inside. He put his shaking hand into the closet and moved the suits out of the way. He felt as if something was watching him. Suddenly he felt a gush of wind on the back of his neck. He turned around and,

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