Chapter 11

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The rain was still crashing on them hard. The woods were silent. All you could hear was the harsh sound of the rain hitting puddles and trees. This rain wasn't ordinary. It didn't smell fresh as it usually would, plus the droplets were more solid and had a dark blue colour.
"I wish it would just stop raining. STOP!" Irene shivered aggressively.
"I think we should find shelter. Somewhere we can escape this 'rain' " Charlie suggested.
"He's right. I think all of this walking and sitting in wet clothes has really taken a tole on all of us" Vincent agreed.
They searched for somewhere to sit under that was hopefully dry. Their clothes were soaked and appeared to be heavier. They came across a small cave and decided to take a chance and spend the night there.
"This is kinda sketching me out" Serena said nervously.
"It will be fine. We just have to stick together and we'll stay safe" Malachi informed
The ground inside the cave wasn't as wet as the dead grass outside, but it was very cold and harder than anything they had ever come across. Almost like it was solid ice underneath.
"Looks like we're in for a treat tonight" Vincent exhaled sarcastically.
"Why is it so hard? This doesn't feel right" Uriah mentioned while stopping her feet.
"It'll have to do I guess. There's no where else" Vanessa proposed.
They settled down with their backs against the bumpy rocks of the cave walls. They all sat on the same side to help keep each other warm. Suddenly they heard heavy breathing coming from the darkness of the cave. It sounded inhuman and almost animal like.
"Did you hear that?" Vanessa whispered in fear while clinging to Charlie's arm.
"Y-yeah" Charlie replied while shuffling further away from the dark spot.
"That didn't sound good. Guys I'm scared. I think we need to leave" suggested Irene.
"I don't think I can walk anymore. My muscles and bones are aching" Malachi groaned.
"Who's there?" Serena yelled into the eerie, black fog.
"Serena! Why would you do that?" Uriah said angrily while punching her shoulder.
"If there's nothing here, nothing will answer" Serena answered confidently.
Something started scraping against the jagged rock. It was the most horrific sounds that had heard. Worse than nails on a chalkboard. It was like a deafening screech that no living thing could create. They plugged their ears and closed their eyes closed tightly. The scraping stopped for a moment and continued again but louder this time.
"Stop!" Serena yelled loudly.
It didn't stop. Why would it listen to an innocent 18 year old girl? Innocent and much weaker than whatever it was. The scraping stopped again and something started to whisper.
"Come and find me in my disguise, but if you do it wouldn't be wise. Then shut your eyes, and you will find a terrible surprise..."

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