II (II): Hello, father!

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Son and father face each other, then it's carnaage time and Barty displays his new power ;P


this is a dark story, 'Evil Wins' style, in this chapter at some point there will be a massacre and you may not agree with some victims that I have chosen, but I had to look at the whole story from Barty CJ's perspective >;P

II (II): Hello, father!

Meanwhile Aro, Jane, Alec and a large group of other followers, who until then had mingled with the participants without drawing attention, revealed their presence.

General panic ensued in the whole tribunal.

Dumbledore was the only one quick enough to apparate, taking Potter with him.

Aro immediately rushed towards Moody, he had a long unfinished business with him.

"Stay away from me, you filthy creature!" snarled the Auror, about to cast a SectumSempra against him as it could behead him, but the millennial vampire was far quicker than him, snatching his wand from his hand and breaking it in front of his eyes... at least in front of the only normal one left.

"Fourteen years ago you prevented my puppy from escaping and put him in jail. This is not something I can forgive you," Aro said phlegmatically, before biting his neck with blind fury.

The others were busy as well and the now eternally young Barty would soon join the party, but first he had a priority.

"You, wretch, what the hell have you done? What have you become? " the judge rose from his chair, backing away.

He didn't even try to ask for help, he knew that no one would save him, everyone was too busy trying to fight for their own survival.

Yet the hellish thing that looked like his son didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Aren't you happy for me, dad ?" he said that last word with all possible sarcasm. "I finally have one thing that you don't even know what it means: a family."

"Don't talk like that!" the old man shouted.

"Oh, shouldn't I? Isn't it only your fault what is happening? Think about it, it would have taken so little: playing with me sometimes when I asked you as a child, come and see at least one of my Quidditch matches, I was quite good, you know? Or tell me at least a 'Very good, son, I'm proud of you' with all the O.W.L.s I have obtained with so much study, commitment and self-sacrifice, those values that are so important to you ... "

" Barty, I ... "the other tried to answer, with broken voice.

"You were never there, but someone else was and oooooh, He gave me so much, He made me feel accepted, valued, appreciated. My Dark Lord is the father I never had and much, so much more, " the vampire hurt him, more than he could have done later.

"But to put your work first, that's why you were always there, to send your son to Azkaban , have him tormented by the Dementors ..."

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