III (I): Immortality suits you ...

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Barty enjoys his new un-life with Aro in Volterra, before receiving a very special invitation...


hello sorry for late!
Huge thanks to the lovely Debbie, @SerenityStargazer for betaing it ^

III (I): Immortality suits you ...

Barty loved Volterra.
There was nothing magical about it, of course, but he had never been to Italy. To the contrary, beyond London and Hogwarts, he had been in very few places. Perhaps just in some Missions for his Dark Lord, but those Missions didn't allow him the luxury of being a tourist.

But it was different here. Feeling comfortable due to the spell that allowed him to go out even during the day without shining in the sun, so as not to draw attention on himself, he could take long walks among the hills and all that greenery reminded him of Hogwarts a little bit.

And when he wanted to have some fun, he just had to lure someone, perhaps with the excuse of being a foreign tourist looking for information. And once they were isolated, all that remained to do was to disapparate with them into the Volturi's Manor.

This was another of those days and he had just apparated in the main hall. He stood in front of the three thrones with Aro, sitting at the central one, looking at him with mock reproach. The only one who was truly reproachful was Jane, standing in the center of the room.

"Barty! Again?" she snapped, moving towards the more inexperienced vampire.

"I was bored!" he shrugged as he tied his victim with magic ropes, silencing her with another spell.

"You will expose us!" the blonde retorted.

"It never happened."

"You've only been here with us for three weeks!"

"Well, it never happened in three weeks!" he remarked cheekily, snatching a chuckle from Aro.

The millennia-old vampire loved his insolence.

"Sister, never mind!" Alec interjected, with his usual apathetic attitude.

"No, I do mind, he has to learn how to behave!" she insisted, ignoring her twin and addressing the newcomer.

"You know the rules. You don't go out hunting. Heidi takes care of bringing us the unaware victims when she organizes her trips, as she did yesterday." Jane retorted.

"Oh yes, yesterday was a memorable day!" Barty licked his lips at the memory.

"That's it, you see? That gave us enough sustenance for a month. There is no need for these ... extras. " she mumbled, pointing to the victim. The girl could only look at them with terror in her eyes, tightening the strings each time she struggled. The ropes had already begun to cut her wrists and a few drops of blood spilled on the floor.

"But it's funny!" Barty pointed out, bringing the bleeding wrist of the crying girl to his mouth and licking it, without even displaying his canines.

"Impudent! You can't always do as you please! You deserve a lesson," she decided, staring at him. "Pain!" she exclaimed immediately afterwards.

Barty fell to his knees in excruciating pangs of pain, but still found the strength to pull out his wand.

"CRUCIO!" he yelled, pointing it against her.

This broke her deadly eye contact. Jane went from being the Executioner, causing deadly pain, to finding herself a victim, cursed by a suffering she had never experienced before.

"I appreciate the attempt, pretty girl," Barty said with a smirk, "but I've had a year of tremendous and constant transformations into a guy without a leg and an eye. I'm rather trained in pain." He stood up, continuing his curse. "So what's it like to taste your own medicine?"

In response, Jane continued to scream, lying on the ground, convulsing.

"Aro, are you going to do something about it or what?" Marcus asked his brother, turning to the raven-haired vampire, bewildered.

"Why on earth should I? They are so hilarious, much more than those jesters we had at court!" Aro chuckled.

"The jesters didn't make us laugh even once, but they were delicious!" Caius grinned.

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