Chapter 6

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i pull my hoodie up and walk out of the school doors. I take in the smell of the cool breeze, freedom! I check the time 3:30. I'm not sure if I should go to the park once again. I don't want to encounter Nash again. Before I know my decision.  my legs are taking me home. Maybe dad has changed. I haven't seen him all week. I take the short path way through the backstreets that leads to my house.

I enter the old wooden house,  the last house on the street.  More like a horror house being eaten up by vines growing everywhere.

I gently open the wooden door, I step in the house and close the door. Locking it to be exact.

"Where have you been. Ana. " my dad slurs. Drunk once again,  I better not get on his bad side.  Because right now I'm playing with fire.

I cross my arms looking down.

"Da-Sir, I'm here on time. It's 4:00." I whisper scared if I said anything wrong.

"Ana,  you little whore. Do you think you can play tricks on me.  Huh?" He shouts slapping me in the face.  I let out a scream. My dad grabs me by my hoodie and chuks me onto the couch.  There's this old guy next to me.  I've got no clue who the hell he is.

"Since your out fucking people, why don't you go give him a blow job." My dad shouts. He pulled my hair bringing me down on my knees. In front of the guys torso. The man just stares enjoying what's about to happen.  No I can't.  I push my dad out of my way and run up the stairs to my room.

"Yea fuckin run you little whore!" I hear my dad yell, laughing with his friend. They make me vomit.

I silently take off my cloths, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I take a look at myself in the mirror, full of cob webs. All I see is a girl, broken. Her face looks like all the bloods been pumped out. And there's scares all over. Between my thighs. My wrists especially. I trace over one of the fresh cuts. I instantly wince in pain. I've caused this to myself. ME! No one else has. I'm the child that was a mistake. That should've never been born. I sigh, I put on a singlet top, and some baggy shorts. My head relaxes into the pillow while the bed makes a swirling noise whenever I move.

-beep- I hear my phone go. I pick it up from the bed side table.

"Where were you today? I've missed seeing that beautiful face. I'm sorry Ana." It reads. I ignore the comment Nash sent me and fall asleep.

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