Chapter 18: I Have To Know

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"I don't really know what's going on, but I promise we'll figure it out,"

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"I don't really know what's going on, but I promise we'll figure it out,"

Shortly after an officer had taken Adrian down to the lobby to get medical attention, I found myself inside his apartment with Connor by my side. I couldn't move past what Adrian had said, it felt like my world was being flipped on its head; it was like all of a sudden, the hands of doubt wrapped around my brain and made me question the one person who ever really loved me.

I was clearly distracted as I looked over the living room, scanning every detail but learning nothing. Tilting my head to the side, my eyes traveled up to Connors face. He looked as unfazed as usual, but able to scan the scene for clues and information. Watching him intently as he stepped into the room, I thought that he had to know that something was wrong. Connor was able to detect every slight change in tone or emotion. From what I've experienced thus far, it's impossible for him not to notice. In the moment, I didn't realize I was psyching myself out. I just needed to go on like nothing happened, and that's what I tried to do.

As I went on examining the room, I noticed that the story that Adrian had given the police appeared to match what I was seeing. There was no sign of forced entry and the rest of the apartment was intact besides the living room. The more I looked, the more the story of a delivery android killing the coworker made complete sense. But as per usual with deviancy cases, I was left wondering what had happened with the android.

The other thing I didn't understand was why Adrian had told me about the hard drive and not the officer who spoke to him.

A part of me wanted to believe that he was just in shock, that there wasn't some secret drive that he had kept hidden away all this time. Most of all, I wanted to believe that he and Lena weren't hiding anything from me. But if it was about CyberLife, the more I pondered it, the more I realized that it may have been safest for me not to know.

As everyone in the country has realized, CyberLife isn't just a company, it's a massive corporation. They are everywhere. Stores scattered across the city, thousands more across the country, with their products walking around and answering to us at every waking moment.

People have been scared of their androids listening to them and handing their private information over to CyberLife. As long as devices could do that, we've been so concerned about what they did with said data. But this is so much worse.

I don't know what's on that drive, for all I know it could be an ass-kissing piece to that fuck-stick, Elijah Kamski. But knowing Lena and her reporting, this was serious. Wherever it is, I have to find it. But until I can, I have to deal with the android detective; more importantly, I can't let him know that there was anything taken from the apartment.

"What do you have so far, Connor?" I asked hunched over the body, camera in hand as I took photos of wounds and surrounding blood spatter.

Connor stood over in the center of the living room by the shattered glass coffee table. The room layout was a simple square, with a sofa pushed up against the left of the room across from an entertainment center, the broken table separating them. There was a small armchair next to the couch that was closest to the door, but it was tipped back.

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