the hospital

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Rasmus' pov-

"Alright everybody, I don't think we can do more, let's just leave her here. I don't remember where I put her heart, so we can't save her" I said to my colleagues (we were doing a heart operation). I went out of the operating room and smiled to myself... I ate it.

My colleague Susanne Smith came up to me "Sir, Karen Hoot just told me that a boy called Tim Ibsen is dying in room 5. I think you should go check it out!" she gave me a bunch of papers and left.

Finally. A new target.

I went up in room 5, and as Susanne said I should. He was lying in a hospital bed, not breathing, and totally passed out. All the nurses were panicking, they had no idea what to do. They had tried everything; they just couldn't get him to breathe properly. I wonder why...

"Everyone move" I said. They nodded and went away and continued whatever they were doing before.

I took one look at him... and I just knew that couldn't get myself to kill him. Even though I am a half vampire and half werewolf and an undercover mafia boss... I just couldn't. He looked so peaceful laying there on the rock-hard crusty hospital bed. With his long cow looking eyelashes, and musty Rapunzel hair. Or maybe I just enjoyed watching people die... yeah that's why I like looking at him. He's dead.

But why did I feel the urge to save him...? Why did I want to know what the color of those ompalumba eyes were? No, I-

"Rasmus Christoffersen, how are you doing in there," someone said on the other side of the door. "UHm- fine. I think I know how to wake him up". I acted quickly. The only thing I could think of was the classic mouth to mouth. I never went to medical school, I'm not smart at all, everyone just think I am because I have money. Jokes on them, I only get them for being a mafia boss who looks scary. My job is so hard tbh.

I learned in and got closer to his face. Now I could get a closer look at it. He smelled like... I can't even describe it. Special. Like him. He was indeed very special.

"fuck" I whispered. I had to do it. I learned in and softly pressed my lips on his, opened his mouth with my hands and I started sucking the best I could. Suddenly I could feel something come up from his throat, what-

Tim's pov- 

I woke up to someone holding me down and kissing me hard, I realized what was happening, I quickly got up and pushed him away, "wha-wh-wh-w-w-w-wwha-what-what ar-r-r-r-rr-e you doi-i-n-ng?-" I said, stumbling over my words. he just shook his head and tried to grab my arm. "woaaw" I said and took a few steps back and-


I feel onto the hospital bed beside me. and I found myself on top of a crusty old lady "oh you'd properly want to get off her. she's dead" he pointed at a paper on the table beside her

-Karin Mathisen

age- old

state- dead


I got off her. "Oh I-I-m-I'm-I'm-so-r-r-r-r-y-y-y-y--y" for some reason I got extremely nervous. Maybe because of my social anxiety.... or i mean he was so.. different from everyone else. He really wasn't like other girls. He is a boy.

"babagrille..." He said with his seggsy accent, "I just saved your life" He held up a hamster. "Woah" I said, "How could I ever repay you for your kindness, sir?". He smirked "Well... " He pinned me against the light blue hospital wall, "With this" He touched my hair, and then his hand went down my chest and- "WAIT" my voice cracked "I-I-I-I-I don't even know your name"

"You're a virgin, aren't you?" he said smirking. I was speechless. "Oh, don't worry. It's alright... I might actually enjoy this more now" 

Tim x Rasmus (enemies to lovers) (smut)Where stories live. Discover now