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I'm sat on Killian's lap, my whole body tense. His arms are wrapped tightly around my waist and I find myself not knowing what to do with my hands because I know he doesn't like to be touched.

Which is ironic because I'm sat right on him.

Enzo takes a seat next to Killian and grabs hold of my hands.

"Ask all the questions you need to, darling." Enzo smiles gently and I gulp.

"So you both want to have sex with me?" I tilt my head and the two men chuckle.

"It's not just about the sex, darling. I mean yes of course we want to fuck your tight little pussy until you can't take it anymore but it's more than that." I clench my thighs together and I feel Killian's hands tighten even more on my waist.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, we want to take care of you as well. As your dominants it's our role to make sure you are also safe and well." My heart flutters at his words.

"I've never really had anyone take care of me before." I admit.

"You deserve the best, darling. You've been through so much in life, let us look after you, baby." Enzo reaches forward to stroke my cheek and I inhale a sharp breath.

"Okay." I gently smile and nod my head, making the biggest grin etch onto Enzo's face.

He has a lovely smile.

"Is there anything you are against doing? Sexually of course." Killian speaks up, running his nose up and down my neck, causing my body to release a small shiver.

"I-I'm not sure, Killian." I stutter, looking at my hands that are place on my lap.

"Okay, well we will take things one step at a time." Enzo reassures me, lifting the back of my hand up against his plump lips.

"I-erm....Is this a temporary thing?" I question, dreading the answer.

I get attached very easily and now that I am thinking about it, if this is temporary I don't think I would be able to cope with getting hurt when I have to leave.

"Do you want it to be a temporary thing, darling?" Enzo tilts his head and I gulp.

"Be honest with us, baby?" Killian says and I bite my lip.

"I don't think I would be able to be in a temporary relationship and if that's what you guys want then you'll have to let me go." I admit and both the men's face soften.

"I'll be honest with you, darling. Killian and I were never looking for anything serious until we met your precious self. Let's just see where this takes us, okay?" I release a small sigh of relief and nod my head.

"Words." Killian lightly pinches my hip and I release a small squeal.

"Yes." I whisper breathlessly.

A shaky breath escapes my lips when Killian's hands begin to travel up my thigh until his finger brushes the fabric of my underwear.

"You're wet, aren't you baby?" He whispers in my ear and a whimper escapes my lips. "Wet for us." His finger slips through the fabric and traces up and down my wet slit.

"Yes." I moan and gasp when he slips his finger into my pussy.

I look at Enzo to see him staring at me intensely. My face heats up as I watch him palm his growing bulge.

Another moan escapes my lips and I rest my head back against Killian's shoulder as he inserts another finger and begins to move them in and out. I clench around them and hear him groan behind me.

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