50: Going to Incheon

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Y/n: jungkook... Dont go. You're going to get yourself destroyed...

Jungkook: I'm going and thats it... You're going to Incheon with Jennie. Alone with Your mom and sister. So is your dad. I'm not taking any chances of him hurting you or your family.

Y/n: And I'm not taking any chances to lose you... You could die.

Jungkook: ......I know. But you and jay are going to be safe. Thats all I care about.

Y/n: And I care for your safety. You don't know what he's capable of doing.

Jungkook: I know. But whatever comes my way. It won't affect you or hurt you.

Y/n looked away. Jungkook got on one knee.

Jungkook: hey jay... Or Cho-Hee. I'm a go for a while. If I dont come back... Maybe sure to keep mommy happy for me. Give her a lot of kisses and tell her you to love her every day. And make sure you appreciate her. I love you...

He stood and looked at y/m

Jungkook: and I love you.

Y/n: if you loved me you wouldn't be sending me away and putting yourself in danger...

Jungkook: I'm doing it because I love you. And I'll always come back to my beautiful wife... And my child.

He kissed her...

He took her things down the stairs and put them in the car.

Jungkook: thayou yo,u Jennie.

Jennie: no problem... I'll take care of her.

He hugged y/n once more and caressed her stomach.

Jungkook: I love you...

Y/n: I love you too. If you die I'll kill you.

He chuckled.

Jungkook: I know.

She got in the car with Jennie.

Jennie: it's gonna be ok...

In Incheon

They just arrived at Jennie's house.

Jennie: are you hungry?

Y/n: no...

Jennie: ok... Your room is this way.

Jennie showed her to her room and put her bags there for her.

Jennie: Call me if you need anything.

Y/n: thanks... Good night.

Jennie: night.

Jennie closed the door...

Y/n sighed.

Y/n: be safe...

I know it's not that long but this is all I can write for this Chapter.


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