58: Bad Birthing Time

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All 7 guys(bts) (I dont know why i wont just say bts instead of the guys. I'm being so dificult...) And jungkook gang were fighting off Wolung gang while Jennie wad help in y/n give birth.

She screamed in pain as she pushed...

Jennie: Come on Push..

She gave another push. Another scream came out in the process.

Jimin: Are you getting anywhere with that?!

Jennie: I see its head!

Y/n took deep breaths before doing another push.

Y/n: I cant do another....

Jennie: y/n you got this... Its almost over. Just breath ok.. Deep breaths..

She took deep breaths before pushing again... She screamed in pain. Soon a babies cry joined her scream.

Jennie: I got him!

Yoongi: Cut the cord! Put a warm rag on  y/n forehead!

Jennie: I'm on it!

Jennie carefully cut the cord attached to the baby. She wrapped the baby in a towel and got a warm rag for y/n..

Y/n: thank you...

Jennie: Shh its ok. Yoongi what do I do?!

Yoongi: what?!

Taehyung: What does she do!?!?!?

Yoongi: dont fucking yell at me!!! Wash the baby in WARM water. CAREFULLY!!!

Jennie: Ok!

Yoongi: Hurrry!!!!

Jennie: Dont rush me!!

She filled a small tub with warm water and washed the blood off the new born carefully and quickly.

Afterwards she wrapped its body in the cover she gave Y/n.

Y/n sat up and held out her arms for the baby.. Jennie gave him to her...

Y/n: ...My baby. Jae-Jay... Oh he's beautiful.

Jungkook rushed in...

Jungkook: Y/n... are you ok?

She showed him Jay...

Y/n: Meet Jeon Jae-Jay.. Your son.

He took him.. Jay began to cry..

Jungkook: Shhh..shh

Jungkook let him play with his finger to keep him quiet and entertained. He looked at y/n..

Jungkook: you ok?

She nodded.

Jin: I hate to ruin such a beautiful sight and moment. BUT DAMN IT WE GOTTA GO!!!

Namjoon: Its not safe for Jay to be here...

Jungkook handed jay to jennie. He took his jacket and put it around y/n. He carried her in his arms, bridal style.

Jennie covered Jays head with the cover. (The child can breath. Dont worry its fine.)

Jin: me, joon and Yoongi are going to cover you. We got on yoongi saying.

Yoongi: Be ready!

Jungkook gripped y/n tightly.

After half a minute Yoongi told them to go. They ran out with yoongi, Jin and Namjoon following them to the door.

They went out the car.

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