A Random Cop AU(One Part?)

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Shauna: Do you know why I pulled you over? You were withholding information. A class C violation. 

Sebastian: I'm very confused- What was I withholding officer? 

Shauna: That's the thing- We don't know. I was told you were suspicious. I've gotta check you out before the Karen who called you in goes mad. 

Sebastian: Ma'am, if you don't mind my sayin so, I've never committed a crime in my life- *glancing in the back seat* 

Shauna: *looks at you behind sunglasses* Sir you where going fifty in a sixty zone, are you a can't-drive-queer? I would let you off easy but lying to an officer is a criminal offence, hence the search I have to do. Hence the conversation we are having right now. You where called in on pure suspicion that's why officers have been watching you all morning, now please co-operate.

Sebastian: I'm co-operatin- And yes, ma'am, I am a can't drive queer.

Shauna: No wonder, you where swerving in the middle of the lane. Have you had anything to drink today? Have you been texting before I pulled you over?

Sebastian: I was not drinking, madame, and I was not texting- Unfortunetly, I learned to drive in a smash up derby, so...

Shauna: *Looks at dashboard, inspecting the car* If you say so, sir, just doing my job. As I said, you where called in one delinquincy by a Karen who saw you leaving a girls house. A house we have never inspected before, anything you have to say? *adjusts the cop hat* Licinse and regestration, please. We don't have all day. 

Sebastian: Suspiciously- ma'am and waltzed out the front door with my girlfriend next to me, shouting for her family to fuck off- in other words, it was a rescue mission. She's asleep in the back, if you want to check.

Shauna: *checks back, lowers glasses* Well now that's adorable, be carful on bumps- *smacks you lightly above head with your credentials* The way you where driving I am surprised she didn't wake up. *gives stuff back* Alright then, try not to get in any trouble, if you DO get into trouble though, and you probably will, know you have a friend at the police department. Now before I let you drive off into the sunset, is there anything I should know? Drugs possession, weapons, information? 

Sebastian: No ma'am- I mean, there's paper and tobacco in the glove compartment- and a little can of canabis. But this isn't my car.

Shauna: According to your registration I sorta figured, seeing as your name isn't on it. *rolls eyes* Anyone else would have booked you but I'll let it slide. Sir, do call me if anything wrong happens my girlfriend (I have decided for today I have a gf) and I will try our best to help you out. Anything else?

Sebastian: No, I think we're just fine- We're on the way to burn down a church, would you like to join us?

Shauna: *clears throat* I have C4, it's easier to burn things down, it's California and I'm bored as shit in this heat so lets go. *walks to car and calls out* Drive before I change my mind. 

Sebastian: On it officer. *drives* 

Kai: *Waking up* Don't make me go to church- Oh, we're just burning shit, ok-

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