(Non dirty)Jokes!

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"Two prawns are swimming along in the ocean. One is named Christian, the other is named Chad. They see a shark and dart into hiding. Christian says "God, I hate sharks. They're big and mean, I can't stand them." Chad says "You know, I think it'd be cool to be a shark. The top predetor, you know?" Suddenly, there's a blinding light and in the distance there's a larger fish, and Chad becomes a shark. Christian, frightened, swims away. Chad goes around for a bit scaring people, before he realizes how lonely it is to be a shark. He says "I wish I wasn't a shark." And he sees the light and the large fish and is no longer a shark. He swims to find Christian and bangs on the door. Christian says "No, you're a shark, we can't be friends." Cause he's racist like that. And Chad says "No it's ok! I'm a prawn again, Christian, I've see cod!" 


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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