Chapter 7: Fireworks

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Me and carl arived at the place where the fireworks were and sat on the grass, he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I didnt smile back because i was to focused on makka pakka standing behind carl, makka pakka grabbed carls head and broke his neck then grabbed carls lifeless body bridal style and flew off "omg carl" i gasped but no one seemed to notice, suddenly i woke up and i was in my room, it was the next day. Auntie cooper came in my room and told me that i had a seizure at the show and carl brought  me back home, at least he didnt actually die.
I got out of bed and went downstairs, i made breakfast and then i took a shower, after that i left to go to the lake, when i got there the master wasnt there but the boat was so i rowed it to the house, the master ran out and helped me out of the boat "my parents are having a party tonight, would you like to come" he asked and i nodded, we took a walk and i told him what happened yesterday and about why im here and my illneses, "at least you have a mother you can see everyday, i only see my parents every once in a while and my nan takes care of me and she beats me with a belt" he said and i was shocked "once she took me up to the windmill on the hill because it was supposedly haunted, just to scare me" he said while frowning " well how about we get back to my house so we arent late for the party" he said as he grabbed my hand and we ran back to the house

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