Once Upon A Dream:

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Sandy's POV:

The world faded around me until I was lost in the dream or memory.....

A young man and a young woman played in the sand beside me.

"Mom! mom! Look what I made!" the young man exclaimed looking at me with pride in his eyes.

I looked at what he had made. It looked like a giant fish with sharp teeth. "What do you plan to call it, Chuck?" I found myself asking.

Chuck smiled, "Shark."

"It looks kinda mean, don't you think?" the young woman asked Chuck.

"Now, Amara, don't be judging things based off how they look." I chided her.

"Yes, mother...What do you think of what I made?" Amara looked at me with bright hopeful eyes. In front of Amara sat what appeared to be a lizard but it had a shield on its back.

"It's lovely, dear. What do you plan to call it?" I asked her.

"Turtle." Amara said proudly.


As the memory faded away, sunlight faded in.

Dean yawned below me and Benny was already pacing around the enclosure like a caged animal. I suppose he kinda was.

I snapped my fingers and the sand vanished and I slowly hovered down to the ground beside Dean.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Surprisingly. Haven't slept good in ages...Wait, did you do something?" Dean asked accusingly.

"Just made you sleep peacefully. Don't worry, Dean. I made sure no one came near the camp." I answered.

"She meant no harm in it, Dean. Miss has a habit of just knocking me out too when she thinks I need sleep." Benny said politely as he walked up beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I was a bit shorter than him and Dean. I was like a whole head shorter than Benny...

Dean's POV:

Purgatory just keeps getting weirder and weirder...

First of all, the fact that I'm even in purgatory, that's weird enough. Then I meet a nice vampire? And he has a friend who doesn't even know who or what she is? I honestly don't know what she is either. Makes me think of one of those Greek myths about nature spirits honestly. But she also reminds me of angels a bit. Or maybe she's just a really old and powerful witch? I don't know. I'd be more upset about her making me sleep last night but it was a nice dream. Mmmm....pie...I love me some pie.

The odd being, Sandy, led us on our long walk up stream where she claimed to sense Cass' energy. I watched Sandy as we walked while also keeping a look out for any attacks. A few creatures got close enough for me to see them but before they could do anything, Sandy twitched her fingers and they fell asleep. Never thought I'd see a kitsune sleep with an innocent smile on their face; it was honestly quite disturbing...

Sandy was a short woman. She had pink hair the colour of a sunset. Her skin was golden like the sand she was always manipulating. Her eyes her brown like the earth. Decent looking woman. Kind of frightening though. She might be shorter than me but she still made me weary. But if she can help me find Cass and get us the hell out of here, I'd buy her pie, or hell, might even let her drive the impala! No, maybe not let her drive the impala. She's probably never seen a car before. I'll still buy her pie though! Maybe Sam and I can help her discover who and what she is when we get back to the bunker.

The day passed after a very long walk. We were still surrounded by trees and dead creatures. The river was running beside us still. 

"I'd say we could get to your friend...Cass?..in about another twelve hours if we keep going. You two actually seem to have more stamina than I expected." Sandy stated. She almost sounded slightly robotic like Cass did when I first met him. 

"Well, I don't know about Dean here, but I'm excited to get outta here. Exhaustion can wait." Benny answered.

"I agree with Benny. Lets keep going." I replied.

Sandy nodded her head in acknowledgement and led the way onward. True to her word, it was about twelve hours later when we found Castiel. The sun was already up and Cass was being attacked by a group of vampires. Before Benny or I could jump into action, Sandy waved her hand in the air and sand shimmered from the air and surrounded the vampires, causing them to fall to the ground asleep. 

"Well, that was odd.." Castiel muttered before looking around and noticing us. "Dean?!" Cass asked in surprise. 

"Hey, Cass. Found some new friends," I said gesturing to Sandy and Benny, "They're going to help us get outta here." 

Castiel looked at Benny first, "You do realise that he's a vampire? Correct?" Castiel asked.

"Of course I know, Cass. That doesn't really matter right now. If he turns out to be bad, we can always send him back. No offence, Benny." Benny shrugged. 

Cass locked eyes with Sandy. They both stared at each other in confusion.

"Annalise?" Castiel asked, confusion shock seeping into his voice.

Sandy tilted her head in confusion, "I have no idea who Annalise is, but I also don't know who I am either. Benny calls me Sandy. It seems appropriate. Do I know you?" Sandy asked Castiel.

"I, I'm not sure really. You look like someone I met once in heaven. Back when I was a young angel, maybe only two centuries old at the time. You-I mean, Annalise, was teaching us how to heal ourselves and how to use the stars to find our way around in case we couldn't fly. Annalise mostly taught us games and let us have fun. She vanished at one point though...No one knows what happened to her.."Castiel's voice drifted off in thought.

"Well, I honestly do not know whether I am this Annalise person or not, but perhaps we shall find out once we get out of purgatory." Sandy told Castiel. Then she turned to me, "What is outside of Purgatory? I don't remember." Sandy asked me.

So we spent the next few days talking about what earth was like. Cass tried to get us to travel separately from him because he was worried about the Leviathan hurting me, but Sandy quickly talked him into staying with us when she simply put five Leviathan asleep when they approached us. It wasn't long and we were nearing the portal.

"So, how exactly will this spell work?" I asked Benny.

Once I absorbed Benny into my arm, I turned to Sandy. "What about you?" I asked.

"She doesn't have a soul..she should be able to leave along side us." Castiel replied for her.

"We can try. I honestly don't recall ever trying to go through the portal before." Sandy stated.

A group of leviathans came out and started to chase after us, Sandy send Cass and I towards the portal while she started waving her hands around, summoning sand and putting as many creatures to sleep as she possibly could. Once Cass and I got near the portal, I hollered at Sandy and she flew her way to us on sand and I grabbed onto her and Castiel's hands as we jumped through the portal.

Word Count: 1206

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