Where To Go:

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Sandy's POV:

Dirt. That was the first thing to invade my senses after we went through the portal. It had a strong smell. When I opened my eyes, I was laying in said dirt. We were somewhere in the woods. Different then purgatory though. I couldn't sense any creatures near us. And the energy here felt different.

I pushed myself off the forest floor and saw Dean helping Cass up.

"So, where to next?" I asked.

"Well," Dean said looking down at his arm, "I have to find Benny's grave so I can bring him back. Then we can figure things out after that. You are welcome to tag along. Benny is your friend after all."

"Yes. Sounds good to me. Lead the way then." I replied.

Dean and Cass talked to each other as we walked through the woods. After a while we arrived at an old cemetary. Dean walked over to the grave and did the spell. Benny came back and greeted Dean in a hug.

"Thanks, didn't know fo' sho' if ya were gonna actually bring me back." Benny said.

"I keep my word. Just stay out of trouble. I don't want to be sending you back. But if you ever need help, let me know." Dean said.

Benny and Dean talked for a few more minutes before Benny walked over to me. I had been looking at a red maple tree. How did I know what type of try it was? I have no clue honestly, but it was holding my attention for some reason. I was tracing the trunk of the tree with my fingers, lost in thought, when Benny walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, Miss Sandy, looks like we're free now. I'm headin' back to Louisiana. Do ya want to come along or do ya have other plans?" Benny asked me.

"I don't have any plans. Though I think it would be best for you to go to Louisiana on your own. You have plans, I'm well aware. And you don't need me hovering around in the way. I may visit you someday though. I need to figure out who I am first." I politely declined Benny's offer to tag a long.

"I understand, Miss. I'll see ya around then, Sandy." Benny and I hugged each other goodbye before he left.

I started wandering the woods, Dean and Cass were watching me while they were talking. I wasn't really concerned. I was enjoying watching the insects crawling on across an old dead tree that was laying on the forest floor.

Dean's POV:

I watched Sandy walk around the woods. She seemed so fascinated by the oddest of things. Another thing that reminds me of when I first met Cass.

"Doesn't she kinda remind you of how you were when you were getting use to earth? Like, you probably didn't get distracted by trees, but I do remember your first interaction with a toaster." I chuckled.

Cass' face went a little red, "You should have told me the toaster was going to make a loud noise and shoot the toast out. I thought I was being attacked.."

"Yeah, I suppose I probably should have. That poor toaster, man.." I let out a light chuckle. He stabbed that toaster with his angel blade.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Cass asked me.

"Planning on heading to the bunker. Hopefully it hasn't gotten taken over by the British Men of Letters again." I joked.

Cass nodded in agreement, "But what about this uh, Sandy?" Cass questioned.

I sighed, "I suppose we take her with us. At least until we can figure out what she is. And she doesn't remember earth, so we can't really let her wander around doing odd things like flying and putting people to sleep."

Cass seemed to agree, so we went over to Sandy and talked with her before heading through the woods in search of a road.

Sandy's POV:

A few months passed. I lived with the Winchesters and their Angel friend Castiel in their bunker in Lawrence, Kansas. Sam Winchester spent a lot of time trying to teach me about pretty much everything. Dean was nearly traumatized when I covered the Impala in sand when I first seen it. I thought it was some sort of beast so I had tried to put it to sleep. Didn't know at the time that it was a car. I also didn't know what cars were either at the time.

Currently, I sat with Sam in the library of the bunker. Sam was reading a book on demonology in Latin. Another cool thing we discovered when I got here; I could read and understand every language. I don't know why or how, but I do.

While Sam was reading, I was on his laptop looking things up. I was still a bit iffy with computers, but I was getting a hang of it. I also had a phone, thanks to Dean, and I know how to call them so far; they are on speed dial though.

When Dean walked into the library a few hours later, it was already noon. "Why are you guys up so early?" Dean grumbled.

"From what I have learned, the afternoon is not considered early in the day, hence why it is called afternoon. So I believe the proper question would be, why are you up so late?" I stated, barely looking up from the laptop long enough for Dean to roll his eyes and Samuel to chuckle.

"You've turned her into you." Dean grumbled to Sam.

"Nah," Sam laughed, "but she does have a point, Dean."

I gave Dean an innocent smile. Dean huffed and went to get coffee.

I scrolled through google trying to figure out what I am. I typed in things like 'creatures with strange powers' and 'creatures who can control sand' and 'creatures who can hear thoughts' and 'Creatures who can make you dream'. So far I know that I'm not a Djinn, shapeshifter, or a Siren. I did find the word for manipulating sand though; Psammokinesis. While I was searching I found something called a Mare.


A mare (Old English: mære, Old Dutch: mare, Proto-Slavic *mara; mara in Old High German, Old Norse, and Swedish) is a malicious entity in Germanic and Slavic folklore that rides on people's chests while they sleep, bringing on nightmares.


I don't think I'm a mare though. I don't give people nightmares, though perhaps I could if I wished to. And I don't need to touch them to make them sleep. I just throw sand at them. So, I opened another tab, deciding that I might do more searching on mares later, and I typed in 'creatures that give you good dreams using sand'. That's when I found something that seemed to relate to who I am.


The Sandman is a mythical character in European folklore who puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto their eyes.


I wonder....

"Hey, Samuel?" I asked.

Samuel looked over at me from his book, "What is it, Sandy?" Samuel asked.

"I think I might have found what I am..." I said. I was suddenly nervous about what I found. What if these creatures were actually evil and he would have to kill me? And what if-

Sam seemed to notice that I was getting nervous, "Hey now, everything is going to be okay, Sandy. Let's just look at what you found, okay?" He asked gently.

"Okay." I agreed.  

Word Count: 1238

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