Tiny Monsters:

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Sam's POV:

I had decided that since Sally wasn't really a hunter that I should have Bobby come with us for this case. Especially since we don't really know what we are walking into. The only thing we know is that people have been claiming to have seen some white monster with wings and covered with snow. But the cops were never able to find anything; though they probably didn't even look, just assumed the people were high or making up stories.

So, with the limited information, Sally,Bobby, and I, all climbed into Bobby's van and headed towards the Devil's Lake State Park. Once we arrived we began our investigation as casually as we could. Bobby and I had weapons hidden all over us. Sally herself was technically a weapon so she only carried a dagger which was hidden in her boot. I am definitely not giving her a gun. Not until we can go over gun safety and how to properly shoot. And who not to shoot.

Sandy's POV:

I followed Bobby up the trail while Samuel walked beside me for the next few hours. I know he isn't a fan of his name but I think it just suits him. Sam is just simple. Samuel sounded sophisticated; which he is. And Sammy is a nickname that only Dean uses (and mostly gets away with) because it's an affectionate sibling thing. Especially since Dean pretty much raised Samuel. My first week with them they let me read their father's journal, which led to me asking questions. Like, who took care of them while their dad was hunting?

I quickly picked up some thoughts from Dean that caused me to become quite infuriated with their father. If that man were still alive....

"Wait." Samuel whispered while he gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him, snapping from my thoughts, and followed his eyes. There was some rustling in the trees near us. Bobby was only a foot ahead of us; apparently he had the same thought as Samuel.

Something small and glittering white flashed between some of the tree branches above us. I tilted my head in confusion. I didn't sense any Fae around us so it isn't a fairy. And it's obviously not something the witnesses had been hallucinating.

Bobby slowly walked over closer to one of the trees it was jumping through. Samuel gestured for me to stay put as he wandered over a bit to look at one of the trees it had been rustling through.

I watched the leaves rustling and focused on the movements. There were two forms moving to and fro. One was a bright white while the other was a bright yellow. I kept focus on the two forms.

"I think they are playing." I stated. Bobby and Sam looked at me, questioning in their eyes.

I sighed and focused back on the two forms. I raised my hands and sent sand at both of them, currently sitting in two different trees near Sam and Bobby.

The two forms quickly went unconscious and started to fall from the trees. I caught them, suddenly finding myself standing between the two trees and between the two hunters.

I nervously smiled at Bobby and Samuel when they gasped from being startled at my sudden appearance. I looked down at the figures I was holding.

The yellow one was curled on my right arm while the white one was on my left arm.

"They look almost...cute? But what are they.." Samuel pondered out loud as he and Bobby both moved a little closer to me to see the creatures.

The yellow one was snoring softly, little puffs of fire coming from her nose. One of her wings was laying off my arm and stretched out. She had soft and bright yellow feathers, occasional orange and red feathers intermixed.

The white one, he was sleeping on his back, wings stretched out and small dustings of what appeared to be snow puffing from his nostrils with every breath out. One white feathered wing was splayed out across my chest, the other was hanging off my arm. He had occasional pale blue feathers in his white ones. Both creatures had long tails covered in feathers. The white one's tail hung off my arm while the yellow one had her tail wrapped around herself and under her chin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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