Hey Miss Sandman:

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Hey Miss Sandman:

Sam's POV:


The Sandman is a mythical character in European folklore who puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto their eyes.


That does sound a lot like Sandy. And I find it quite odd that we didn't think of it sooner...

I was about to say something when my phone started ringing.

"Hi, Bobby. What's up?" I asked as I answered my phone.

"Well, I have two cases for you idjits." Bobby said.

"Okay, shoot."

I listened while Bobby informed me about the cases. Sally watched as I talked to Bobby and she closed the laptop. I grabbed a notebook and wrote down the information Bobby was giving me.

"Yes, we can handle it, Bobby. If not, we'll just call you."

"Just stay alive, ya idjit." He said before he hung up.

"Hey, Dean! We have a case!" I hollered to Dean, who walked in from the kitchen, holding a cup of coffee.

A few hours later, we were all packed and ready to go hunting. Dean and Cass went to New Mexico on a possible vampire case. Sandy and I went to Devil's Lake; a state park in Wisconsin, to investigate supposed monster sightings.

Dean's POV:

"Mama told me when I was young

Come sit beside me my only son

And listen closely to what I say

And if you do this it'll help you

Some sunny day oh yeah

Oh take your time don't live too fast

Troubles will come and they will pass

Go find a woman yeah and you'll find love

And don't forget son there is someone up above

And be a simple kind of man

Oh be something you love and understand

Baby be a simple kind of man

Oh won't you do this for me son if you can!"

I screamed along with my radio. I had Lynyrd Skynyrd on full blast. Until Cass decided to reach over and turn the radio off.

"Oh come on, Cass." I grumbled.

Cass gave me a small smile and rolled his eyes, "I just wanted to talk. We don't really get to talk much with Sam around." He said shyly.

"Yeah," I sighed, "I know."

"When are you going to tell him?" Cass asked me.

"I...I don't know. I know he's not like John....I just..." I rambled off, looking straight ahead at the road, trying to not think of my abusive father.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over long enough to see Cass' kind and gentle blue eyes looking at me with sympathy, "I know, Dean. I understand. But Sam deserves to know. And he's nothing like John. He accepted Charlie. And he loves you, Dean. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you just because you are not with a woman."

"I know, you're right, Cass. I'll tell him when we get done with this hunt." I promised.

Cass squeezed my shoulder, "Thank you, Dean." and then he turned the radio back up. I gave Cass a small smile and a quick peck on the cheek before focusing back on the road.

Sandy's POV:

Sam had chosen an old truck from the bunker's garage and we were headed towards Wisconsin. Specifically, a place called Devil's Lake. Apparently it is some sort of park of the state. Or was it a State Park? Eh, something like that.

Sam has assigned me to research duty since I'm not really a hunter. He informed me that his friend, a father figure, named Bobby Singer would be joining us for the hunt.

We checked into a motel around three in the morning. Since I don't really need to sleep we got a room with one bed. I argued with Sam for a while stating that he gets the bed because it wouldn't make sense for him to sleep on the couch when I don't even need the bed. After about thirty minutes of arguing, I waved my hand and Sam fell asleep and fell onto the bed.

"Sweet dreams, Samuel." I whispered as I covered him with the blanket.

I sat on the couch reading a book in the dark. I had the curtains all pulled closed, the lights off, and I was relaxed on the couch with one of Sam's books on monsters. I made another mental note; I can read in the dark, nice.

After a while, someone knocked on the door. I looked at the clock and read the red letters; 2:00pm. Sam grumbled, groggily waking up. I went ahead and went to the door.

A grump looking man in flannel stood there with a duffel bag on his shoulder.

"You must be Bobby Singer. You may come in." I said simply as I opened the door the rest of the way for the man to walk in.

Bobby looked at me funny until he noticed Samuel getting out of bed. "She must not have been a hunter for very long if she ain't even gonna splash holy water in my face." He stated as he walked over to the couch I had been sitting on previously and plopped down with his duffel bag clambering onto the floor.

"Well, she's not a hunter, but she doesn't really need to use salt when she can just look at you and know you are a human." Sam replied as he made some coffee at the small kitchenette.

"Whatcha mean?" Bobby asked, giving me a weary side eye.

"I'm not human. At least, I don't think I am. That's the only solid conclusion we have come to as of late. I might be something called a Sandman. My name is Sandy." I said politely, sitting beside Bobby and extending my hand for him to shake.

He shook my hand briefly, "You sure she's not one of Cass' sisters or someth'n? She kinda acts like him." Bobby asked Sam.

"Nah, Cass said she's not an angel. Though he claims to have met someone just like her centuries ago. But her name was Annalise. Dean found Sandy in purgatory. She helped him and Cass get out safely." Sam answered.

"Well," Bobby said, turning back to me, "I suppose I should be thanking you then, Miss Sandman." he said with a small smile and light chuckle.

I think this Bobby fellow may be a good man, despite his grouchiness.

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