of flirts and confessions

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if lan zhan grew up in a home, that taught him to express his emotions in a human way, he'd probably be out there yelling his frustration into the vastness of his apartment. well, he didn't, so that's not something he's capable of doing. instead, he swallows his pain and keeps his stoic attire.


wei ying is being the natural flirt he is. lan zhan tries to hide his jealousy.

"lan zhaaaaaan!" he hears a familiar voice call out to him. slowly, he turns around, facing the direction the voice is coming from. before he can react, there's two arms flying around his neck and his nose fills with wei wuxian's comforting scent. he circles his own around the smaller's thin waist, eyebrows immediately furrowing in concern: "wei ying, you need to eat more." the younger chuckles delightedly. "i appreciate your worrying, dear, but it's alright. i'm eating well, these days, please believe me." lan zhan slowly nods. wei ying's little nick name makes him blush, like always. 

they've started being something a month back, he's not sure, what exactly that something is, but something has definitely moved further between them, than just being friends.

it started when wei ying suddenly started holding his hand under the table, when they went out to eat or have some drinks. lan zhan just let him, his heart racing in secret. apparently, his silence was sign enough, for wei ying to get bolder. one day, they were walking back to wei ying's dormitory from the library. the shorter was happily chatting about the awkward family dinner he had to sit through, the day prior, when his younger brother announced that he was dropping out of college. 

it had been long in the making now, those plans of his. lan zhan had only met jiang wanyin a few times, since he and wei ying got closer last spring. the two had silently agreed  on mutual respect and the fact, that they won't meddle with each others business. wanyin had also muttered: "don't make him cry, or i'll make you bleed." into his hear, when he walked past him, but lan zhan didn't pay him any mind back then. there'd be no way, he could be the cause for wei ying's tears. by now, he's horrified, to do something wrong that might make the younger sad. how the tables have turned. 

anyways, as they got closer to their destination, wei ying visibly slowed down. lan zhan matched his steps to the ones of his companion. wei ying had grown quiet, so lan zhan softly, as not to scare him, asked: "wei ying, what is it? are you alright?" wei ying looked, as if he was contemplating his answer, but at the end he just stared, before lunging forward. before lan zhan could have reacted, there were soft, sweet lips pressing onto his. wei ying's boldness had come and gone quickly, like a wave, immediately retreating back into the ocean, that send it out. he didn't give lan zhan the chance to kiss him back, even though, it was all, the other had wanted, since forever ago. "hehe, i'm sorry, i don't know, why i did that. i was just thinking, you know, since we're holding hands a lot these days. and i really like holding your hand. so, yeah, i thought, maybe we could try a little something. but, like, i totally get it, if that was off limits and you want to stop h-" lan zhan took all his courage and decided for once to throw the remaining bits of his anxiety out of the window, even if it would've been just for this one moment. he still remembers wei ying's soft gasp of surprise into his mouth. he remembers the smaller's fingertips digging into his shoulders, a little painful, but a perfect reminder, that this was really happening.

now, about two weeks later, the blissful moment is still there. wei ying, is still here, hugging him close and burying his nose in his shoulder. before he knows it, they're kissing again, kissing a lot, just like they did these past days. lan zhan never wants to stop. wei ying parts his lips and giggles, a beautiful, a little of tobacco tasting giggle, that lan zhan kisses directly off the other's mouth. they halt in their doing and lan zhan rests his forehead on wei ying's. "wow." the younger says breathlessly, "we should've been doing this for months, lan zhan. it's amazing!" 

warm - one shots (lan zhan x wei ying)Where stories live. Discover now