ruining him, by getting wrecked by him

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disclaimer: this is an idea, that's meant to be seen as a joke. if you don't feel comfortable to make/read jokes about the current situation the world is in, i fully understand. please refrain from reading this one shot, then. the next one will just be about lan zhan and wei ying falling stupidly in love again, don't worry!! 

 this is just for fun, not meant to be taken seriously at all! i am in no way trying to romanticise the current situation. i know, how bad it is in a lot of countries. this is solely a try to have a little laugh, because i believe it kind of fits the 'the untamed' storyboard. please do not leave any hate comments, etc. simply do not read, if you dislike the concept. disclaimer end, now onto the story.

follow @highkey.color.sth on insta, she's the artist of the fanart above.

wei ying was sent on a mission to endanger the world and lan zhan is supposed to stop him from it.


if corona, in form of sexy wei ying, happened in the mdzs universe, white blood cell lan zhan obviously has to find a way to save the world... and maybe a husband, while he's at it.

it's a fairly boring day at the cloud's recesses, only a few minor attacks of flu zombies, nothing that the junior corpuscles couldn't handle. lan zhan is staying in his room for today, studying and being bored. the immune system he calls his home is truly nothing that offers a lot of entertaining activities. he often hears jingy complain and sometimes even his brother, never bothered zewu jun, lets out an exasperated sigh. lan zhan, however, isn't annoyed by it in the slightest. he likes the calm demeanor of cloud recesses and enjoys its quietness. 

today, for some reason, he feels uneasy. his books don't interest him at all and he can't even busy himself with meditation. something seems as if it's calling him to leave the system and explore certain parts of the body, checking if He is alright. He is, what all the cells call their owner, the one who possesses the body they have to maintain and protect. he can tell that his restlessness is causing Him uneasiness as well, He doesn't seem to be able to concentrate at all, a small pain tugging at lan zhan's right temple representing the headache that He is currently experiencing. what most people don't know, is that white blood cells can very much feel every single injury and pain their owner is experiencing in their own bodies, so that they can detect the cause quickly. 

if they are under attack and weakened, though, He also experiences it in return, endangering Him more, once He got sick in the first place. in return, He usually recovers stronger against whatever bacteria attacked Him, afterwards. that's why places like cloud recesses are called immune system. lan zhan always wonders how other people's immune systems might look like. he always has questioned his owner's interests, judging from His unconsciousness imagining His immune system as little warriors from an ancient chinese century, dressed in posh, white robes. he doesn't mind it though, it represents the work they do pretty well, if you ask him. they fight viruses with swords, trying to defeat them, so that they cannot hurt their master. 

lan zhan has just settled down to practice some guqin and hopefully ease his mind a little, when a blaring sound disturbs him. it's their alarm bell for an unknown danger approaching them. as it should be, in ancient china, it's a massive brass bell, that has to be rung by hand. it's hard work and usually avoided, so this must be an extraordinary case. the young corpuscle rushes out of his cabin immediately, guqin long forgotten. his intuition hasn't failed him, something is very wrong. his uncle and brother have already consulted the other cell leaders. they are communicating through what humanity would call a virtual meeting. it's nothing that actually happens in the body, more in its unconsciousness. the important leaders have already made it, when lan zhan joins. 

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