matchmaker wei wuxian

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college au where wei ying is trying his best to find a match for his crush, while missing the tiny fact that he fulfills about ninety nine percent of said crush's standards.


that one time, jiang cheng actually turns out to be quite competent.

Over a week has passed since he's last seen the other. How the fuck does someone just vanish from the face of the earth??  They were having a good time, weren't they? Well, it wasn't exactly great, but Wei Ying wouldn't say it was detestable either. At least he wasn't bored at all. He obviously couldn't know about Lan Zhan, because no one can read that stone cold expression of the contemporary dance major. They had spent the last weekend with each other, just half awkwardly, half relaxed driving around the area. They both wanted to get out to have a breath of fresh air, so their plans fortunately aligned.

Wei Ying sighs as he hesitantly picks  up his phone again. He has sent Lan Zhan three messages so far, which seems like the exact right amount to stop spamming if he wants to avoid annoying the other. So, he puts it back down again and just bites into his sandwich aggressively in order to let out his frustration. Did he do something that made the older avoid him? Wei Ying knows he can be quite cheeky sometimes, but he does try to conceal his words around the person he has a hopeless crush on. he's not that eager to get his heart broken. 

Huaisang arrives the usual fifteen minutes later than planned, even though wei ying is pretty sure it is indeed planned. By the other, at least. To make up for it he offers the newest gossip around campus. The two study different majors, but Huaisang, for some reason, always knows everything that's happening at uni. Maybe Wei Ying should recommend him a different hobby. Sudoku would definitely ruin less relationships.
 Apparently three bachelor of arts students were caught smoking weed in the basement of their faculty, which is absolutely stupid, so wei ying doesn't show much interest in it. He's only ever intrigued by actually shocking or surprising news. His best friend goes on about Guangyao awkwardly trying to approach Lan Xichen again, after his confession last month was crushed by some medicine assholes. They really can't leave him alone, just because his mom is working in a strip bar. She's not even stripping there, not that that would've been any bad, she's managing the place. Wei Ying scrunches his nose and scoffs at that. He knows through Lan Zhan that the boy's brother doesn't care about anything related to that, but he has no idea what he thinks about the younger having feelings for him. Wei Ying admires Guangyao for having the courage to confess to one of the jade brothers. He sometimes wishes he could get a bit of that courage. 

Since the thing with Guangyao isn't really anything new, - is huaisang losing his ability to know all the tea or is this semester truly this boring? - Wei Ying only perks up when Lan Zhan's name is mentioned. Huaisang has a mischievous gleam in his eyes when telling his story: "Zixuan told everyone that his cousin is coming to town next month and now apparently he confirmed that she's the one who was seen with Lan Zhan in that fancy restaurant." LanZhan was seen going out with a girl? What? When? He apparently neglected his friendship with Huaisang these past days, pitying himself for not being able to be around Lan Zhan, to miss out on this kind of tea. Holy fuck, Lan Zhan, the mighty, cold-as-ice Lan Zhan was seen on a date?? It sounds ridiculous and Wei Ying would definitely not believe it if it was anyone else who told him. But this was Nie Huaisang, a walking hot tea pot that always made sure to only serve the most exclusive stuff that he has at least triple checked. 

Wei Ying just blinks and can't even form a question to ask huaisang. After realizing that he won't get more of a reaction right now the other continues: "Anyways, I did some research and approached the one and only Jin Zixuan myself. With my natural charm, he was very willing to tell me exactly what was happening. Turns out," he leans forward, as if he needs more close proximity to catch Wei Ying's full attention. it's not like Lan Zhan's name itself is already able to do that. He impatiently nudges his friend, so huaisang continues, a sly smirk displaying on his usual soft features:
"Turns out, their families have been meeting up a lot recently. It seems like they get along well, so Mianmian's dad, that's Zixuan's cousin's name, proposed the idea of them joining forces. " He leans back again, apparently done and satisfied with his report. For wei ying, it's definitely not enough. He knows, rationally, what Huaisang is implying. Only an absolute dumb fuck would not get it. He likes to think of himself as at least mildly intelligent. However, he simply refuses to believe what the younger is saying. Huaisang rolls his eyes: "They're gonna get engaged, you idiot." 

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