Round Three

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The Prompt:

Your character, cold, tired and hungry, is offered shelter by a little old lady. "Hello," she says, "can I help you?" The little old lady introduces herself as Avise Renshaw and she takes your character back to her house. She cooks them dinner and they talk for hours. Your character tells her all about the journey. When your character asks if they can stay the night as there's a thunderstorm brewing, Avise's friend Mr Dev demands that your character makes him laugh. Using the items found in the house, make Mr Dev laugh. Start with them meeting Avise, include having dinner and the scene where your character tries to make him laugh. But not whether he laughs or not.

Research medieval food

Remember this part is set in the Middle Ages so no phones or technology will work here.

Items, an old fish, a saucepan, a brown dress/tunic type thing

The dinner will stop any powers your character may/may not have from working





My Submission: Author's Note: I'm sorry... XD

I look up at the thick, dark clouds and I feel a tight twist in my stomach. This time it's not the hunger that makes me feel sick, but rather the realization that a thunderstorm is coming. Only fools with a death wish stay out during an Avurian thunderstorm. I may be a fool for following this treasure map blindly, but I still have much to accomplish before I'm ready to meet The Divine.

The map shows no civilization and I am completely unaware of this section of the world. It could be hours or even days before I get to the next town. If I even make it that far. I look up at the ominous rolling waves of black and pull my jacket tighter around my chest.

There's no use in dwelling on it. I have to focus on what I can control and that is moving quickly toward the next settlement. I have to believe they are close. Or I have to believe that with my instincts, I can at least find a cave to shelter me. Either way, I need to keep trudging forward.

I travel for another hour before my hope pays off. I see the faint speck of a light shining through a window of a small cottage. I can't believe the storm held off this long, but I am incredibly grateful.

I gently rap on the door with my knuckles.

The door opens to reveal a small, old lady. She looks at me with wide, blue eyes, grey curls, and a slightly hunched back. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Hello, ma'am." I smile gently. "I am terribly sorry to interrupt. I was hoping I could perhaps gain some temporary warmth to help me continue on my journey?"

Her smile is as warm as the fire in the hearth behind her. "Of course, please come in." She steps aside and I gratefully enter the threshold of her home.

The cottage is sweet and simple in design. The kitchen takes up a small corner on the far side of the room, containing only an archaic wooden stove with a single saucepan sitting atop it. There are two doors in the back that I assume lead to bedrooms. In the middle of the room is a wooden table with wooden chairs surrounding it. Sitting in one of the chairs is a large gentleman. He sits silently, scowling at me with his clean-shaven face.

"Thank you so much." I turn away from the angry man and focus my energy on the kind woman.

"Of course, dearie." She gestures to the table. "You look like you've never had a good meal in your life. Please, join us. There's plenty."

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