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"Gabe?Helen?.....This is my boyfriend..."As Philip said, I felt like I saw him  for the first time. Anyway, I have him every time I'm with him. As Gabe and Helen accepted and said, of course, it's good that Philip is himself, so I he remembered my father, who, when I told him, went crazy.Because he hates the imagination,that I'm not according to his imagination,as he imagined me to be. The problem is,that I'm already like that.But I'm not into guys, I'm Philip attracted. And I'm proud of that, because Philip is a cute piece of hot guy. And I'm happy for him. I'm glad we're into each other.

Philip and I went out to go for a walk. And suddenly Philip whispered quickly "Lucas! It's him! The guy who kidnapped me!"yes he suddenly noticed us.Philip exactly.And Philip wanted to run away,but I didn't.I won't let any crazy guy bother the love of my life.He approached with a gun in his hand and aimed it at Philip. And I couldn't allow that. "Lucas! No!" He shouted. "No, shoot me instead of him, he doesn't deserve it." And he aimed at me and for a moment I felt pain....

"NOOO!" I shouted and the guy ran away. "Lucas you can't die and leave me here," I said crying, holding his head. I quickly called the ambulance and then called Helen straight away.

"Hold on, Lucas," I told him, believing he would stay alive. A moment later, an ambulance arrived and loaded Lucas. I wanted to go with him, but only a legal representative could.Meanwhile, Gabe and Helen arrived, and I ran to hug them out of desperation to lose Lucas. But I firmly believe that my Lucas is strong enough to survive.

*A few hours later*

I sat in my room on the bed, thinking of Lucas. I was worried about his life every second, minute, and hour. And since I'm afraid yesterday was the last time I saw him, I must at least tell him in a coma.
I'll go tomorrow and tell him.

*Second day in hospital*

I went to him and prayed for him, for the boy I love with all my heart and I would never leave him. I sat down with him and told him about our shared experiences."I love you, Lucas, I have loved you since I first saw you and I will love you even after my death, I will love you for the rest of my life and after him. Lucas, you are everything to me, I can't live without you, so please wake up "I told him, resting my head on his hand, which I held all the time.

"Philip?! Is that you?" He said with a slow movement of his hand and a movement of his head. "Lucas!" I woke up with a smile on my face and luck that Lucas was alive."I knew you wouldn't leave me," I said softly."You...never!" He assured me. "I dreamed of you," he said, looking outside first and then looking me in the eye.
"Oh...really? and what was I doing there? "I said with curiosity." You kissed me in class and everyone started applauding us, "he said, and I imagined that it would be a reality."Aw...it's really just a dream," I said, indicating that I would like others to finally know about it. But he didn't answer the sentence.

*in Helen and Gabe*

We were sitting in the kitchen at the table with Helen and I had to tell her to find the guy.
"Helen, you have to find this guy...he shot Lucas,"
I said."Philip, honey, I need to know what he looked like first,"she said."Umm...he was wearing a black jacket, he had a short beard, short black hair and he reminded me of Gabe's height," I described to her.

"Okay, of course I'll do something about it, don't worry," she assured me and went to bed. I was sitting there alone in the kitchen, wondering what Lucas was doing now.I still had to think about him because I was worried about him. I care about him, and the fact that the guy shot him got me on my knees out of grief that I might have lost him, but thank God Lucas is alive.

*2 months later*

"Where are you taking me?" I led Philip's hand, and Philip kept asking with curiosity. "Be surprised, dude," I said, still annoyed by his questioning.I put my hands over his eyes so he couldn't see anything and led him to our secret place. "So, now stop there," I told him. "Ready? 3....2...1..Open them "He opened them and saw their beautiful secret place there, on the ground there was a blanket with refreshments and the message"you are only mine".
"OMG, Lucas I have no words, that's so beautiful...." and then the word fell on M.
Philip approached me and whispered softly to me "...... I love you!" And at that moment I had so many butterflies in my stomach,that even that flock was few.But of course I had to tell him too, I put my lips to his ear "I love you!" I whispered in a hug.
Then we sat on the blanket and enjoyed each other together at any moment.I just can't say how happy I am with him.

"3...2....1...open them"I opened them and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. But at that moment I remembered Gabe's words. I knew Lucas was the right one because I felt it in my heart.Wow, no one has ever done this to me before.It was getting dark, so we went to Lucas' house.We were lucky,that his dad wasn't home.He's still gone somewhere,so I'd be surprised if he was home.

I led him hand in hand up to my room. I opened the door and closed it again after Philip so we could have some privacy.We stood facing each other in the middle of the room. Suddenly Philip began to take off my shirt, looking at each other with a desire to throw each other seductively on the bed.I took off Philip's sweatshirt he was wearing that day.

And then he started kissing me passionately until I threw him on my bed at that moment and started kissing him on the neck. We took off our T-shirts and started kissing him from neck to nipple to waist, where I stopped and took off his pants.Then we changed positions and he was upstairs. He did the same thing to me as I did to him, but much better.That's another thing I absolutely adore about him. And he also started taking off my pants."Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked me.
"Of course I did. I've never been more prepared than I am now," I told him with reassurance."I want you"I whispered lightly in his ear."I want you more"he told me with a kiss.

*8am in a morning*

"Hey baby, how did you enjoy last night?" I asked him ... he was lying right next to me, so I looked deep into his eyes.In a way,that I saw into his soul. "" The best night of my life, "he told me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

*few hours later*

Lucas and I were in bed all day talking and it was raining outside the window. "Look? What if we went out?"he suggested."It's raining there," I said.
"Well ... and?" He replied. "And what do you want to do there?"I asked him."Walk, please come with me" he begged, so I couldn't just leave it and so we went out.In rain.

"Ahhh, the rain is icy, at least you should have taken an umbrella," I told him. "But I adore you when you're wet," he said, looking at me. "Bitch," I told him."Baby" he said provocatively. "....ehh I don't know anymore" and I laughed and he started tickling me and I'm ticklish so I couldn't, so I defended myself and started tickling him too. Suddenly we both stopped and a spark seemed to fly over us, we looked into each other's eyes in the rain and then I couldn't and I beat the lust and kissed him. So passionately and with love. I love kissing him, I love his lips, I love him whole and wholeheartedly from the first moment I saw him at first sight. He's the guy,who stole my heart and took it, but I don't mind,I will let him.

His hands went from my hair, he stroked my hair and then he put his hand under my shirt. Ahhh it was so amazing, oh my god he's so hot and sexy,ahhh I'm so lucky.

I had a great idea to go into the rain and that's exactly what I imagined. I had to kiss in the rain, especially kissing Philip it's a dream. I'm lucky to have him, because God, he's so perfect.

*a few minutes later*

We ran inside again.We were lucky,because my father wasn't home,so we could have fun. And with Philip it is  something amazing.Ahhh I'm so in love with him that I dare say I'd do anything for him. He's my whole life."Well, now we have to change, you smart guy who wanted to rain.That you planned it, this was supposed to happen, right?"I asked him with a giggle. "Guess" I was silent,because I knew I was right.

It's an art to changing me. And he did it.Everything we went through and he still stood by me,even if another would have left a long time ago.I admire Philip,how he could stand it with me. I have to admit,that a lot of it is,that I love Philip.

                              HAPPY END

This is my first fanfiction so it isn't so good,but I hope u like it.Btw I write another story.It's very different than this so yeah.I will be happy,if u leave a vote and write a comment.ILY!❤️🥺

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