Chapter 4

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'Babe, you're gonna wanna turn on channel 7 right now. Like right now!!'

Amy's message makes me run to the TV, grab the remote from my shocked father and change the channel. I don't know what she's going on about but - holy crap. William the bank teller is on my TV. I read the screen and realise it's a teaser for the upcoming season of X Factor. What the actual hell?

"What is it honey?" Mum asks, looking at me like I'm an alien.

"That's my bank teller!" I exclaim, suddenly laying claim to William like he doesn't serve anyone else at the bank. "That's Will!"

"That gangster looking kid works at a bank?" my dad asks incredulously. He's so lame.

"Yes, at the shopping centre! I go every week and get served by him. And he comes into the cafe all the time." The ad has long finished, but I'm still standing like a stunned mullet.

"Can I have the remote back now?" Dad asks, bored already. "I'm missing the sport update."

I chuck him the remote then head up to my room with the cordless house phone. Though I'll probably be murdered for running up a huge bill, I call Amy.

"What the heck?!" I almost scream when she answers.

"Dude, you're telling me," she replies, sounding like I feel.

"I never knew Will could sing." My face scrunches up, though she can't see me.

"Well, we don't know he can. It was only talking and stuff. Maybe he's one of those really bad people they put on for laughs," Amy says.

I think about it for a second. "I don't think so. I can't picture him being bad. He's too hot to be bad."

Amy and I talk about it for ages, and about an hour later Mum comes up and finds me on the phone, then cracks the shits. She's such a mole sometimes. My conversation with Amy is cut short, and then I'm punished by having to do dishes. We have a dishwasher, so what the heck?

The day after the advert for X Factor just happens to be Wednesday, so I'm more than excited to get my pay and head to the bank. I have to wait a little bit to be served by Will, but it's imperative to everyone's health that I am served only by him.

"Dude!" I snap, the second I'm at his window. "Why didn't you mention in the past few months that you're gonna be on X Factor?"

Will blushes a little, and chuckles nervously. "Ah, I didn't tell many people. But I was going to tell you today that I'm leaving."

"Huh?" I ask, feeling myself go into shock.

"Yeah, today's my last day," he says with a satisfied look. "Between you and me," he whispers, leaning closer to the glass, "I got through. Boot camp starts next week, so I'll see how I go. It'll be on TV soon."

"What the?!" I exclaim, hardly able to contain my excitement. "This is awesome!" My face suddenly drops. "Except who will money my deposits?" I pout.

Will laughs. "Brenda's pretty capable," he says quietly, motioning to the unenthusiastic lady two windows down. "But I'll still be in Sydney, so I'll come to the cafe whenever I can."

I brighten considerably at that news. "Awesome." I hand over my things and Will begins my transaction, even though I've been standing here for a while. Luckily there's no one waiting.

"Friend me on Facebook too," he says randomly, causing my stomach to do flips. "William Singe." He spells out his last name for me.

"That's the coolest name ever," I say without thinking, then blush. I pull out my phone and search straight away, trying to hide behind it. "There, request sent."

"Wicked. See you this Sunday for my final breakfast before boot camp. Later Joc."

"Joc!" His voice sends shivers up my spine, and I spin to face him as he walks into the cafe.

I quickly note he's alone - for now.

"Table for one," he says with a pout. "Ellise is working."

How unfortunate, I think sarcastically. "Loser. Get some friends."

"Where's your boss? I want to complain about you," Will teases, sitting at the small table in the corner.

The place is practically deserted, Will having come in at a different time when we're not busy at all.

"I'll get your usual. Sit down and shut up," I instruct with a smile.

I go and prepare Will's coffee, and as I take it out to him, Mara catches my attention.

"You can go on break," she says with a smile.

Damn. "Ok, thanks," I reply, handing Will his coffee. "I'm on break."

"Join me," Will motions to the chair opposite him without hesitation.

I, however, hesitate as I am a dork. "Uh, ok. I'll just go grab a drink." I grab a bottle of water and sit down awkwardly. "So... boot camp." I nod as I purse my lips, not sure of what else to say.

"I'm so nervous," Will admits with a chuckle.

"You'll be fine. What sort of music do you listen to?" I ask, realising I know very little about Will at all - though I did stalk his Facebook page something chronic.

Surprisingly we have a lot in common as far as music taste goes - Frank Ocean, Drake and Chris Brown to name a few. We spend my entire fifteen minute break talking about our love of RnB, and I really wish I didn't have to get back to work. When he has to leave, I'm actually really sad. Who knows when I'll see him again.

"Good luck, William Singe," I say with a grin.

"Thanks, Joc." He lingers momentarily before backing out of the cafe. "I'll come visit. I won't forget the little people when I'm world famous."

I laugh at his adorable attempt to be self assured and cocky, and wave before watching him disappear down the street. Holy shit I'm going to miss him.

X Factor starts on TV, and Will hasn't come back to the cafe. My visits to the bank aren't as exciting, and it almost makes me want to give up saving money. Seriously, having a hot bank teller makes you want to go to the bank and save your money! He also isn't on Facebook at all.

The night of Will's audition, I'm planted in front of the television, unable to be moved by anything or anyone. Amy's over my house, and I screech at my mother when she tries to talk at the exact moment Will's face fills my screen.

"Teenage girls," I hear my dad mutter, earning him a harsh glare from myself.

Will talks for a little bit, and he's awkward and cute. When he walks on stage my stomach is doing flips. I've seen videos of him singing on his Facebook, and he is amazing. He raps too. Even though I know he gets through, it's ridiculously scary! My fears are gone when he starts singing Justin Bieber, with his own original rap thrown in. Amy and I are squealing like mad, and we even clap when he's done.

From then on, I am addicted to X Factor. It's pretty sad. I've never been a crazed fan girl, and I've never liked reality TV shows of any sort. Now, I'm like a hermit, living under a blanket eating popcorn every Monday and Tuesday night in hopes of seeing Will perform. After his amazing performance of 'Call Me Maybe' and group performance of 'Payphone', there's no way he can't get through.

Apparently I was wrong. When decision night rolls around, and Will isn't chosen, I'm crying. I am literally crying. I don't care that my parents think I'm weird. How could the judges not choose him?! He's better than anyone on that show! My eyes snap back to the screen when I hear his name mentioned again. He's called on stage with a few other guys, and in a minute I find out he's been put in a boy band!

I scream with excitement, standing up and jumping around like the spaz cake I am.

"Will's in a boy band!" I screech, doing a weird dance. "I know a guy who's in a boy band!"

Best night of my life. Ever. 

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