Chapter 8

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The Collective get through, and on Friday afternoon I pull out everything of my bag that I could think to bring to Amy's house. Unfortunately, due to strict/crazy parents, I'm not allowed to date. So of course the way to get around this problem is to bring everything I own to Amy's house, tell my parents I'm staying at her place for the night, and then sneak out with Julian De Vizio. Genius.

Finally I'm convinced to wear a pink lace singlet, black skinny jeans and a grey woolly cardigan over the top. I get the thumbs up from Amy, and then we go and watch TV for 20 minutes, waiting for Julian to pick me up.

At exactly 5.30pm he turns up, and I don't know whether I'm impressed or freaked out by his punctuality. Amy says bye from the couch and sends me on my merry way - alone. I open the door and I'm greeted by a smiling Julian, blue eyes lit up in the most electrifying way.

"Hey," he says with a grin.

"Hi," I reply, trying to convince my cheeks to remain blush free as we walk down to his car.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask as I buckle my seatbelt.

"No." He gives me a playful grin, and I can't help but notice he has the cutest teeth.

It's probably a little weird that I find someone's teeth cute, but who cares? I quickly recognise Justin Bieber playing, and try to stop myself from giggling.

"What?" Julian asks, giving me a confused look.

"I kinda... hate Justin Bieber," I admit, knowing it'll kill him. I know from Twitter that he's a massive Belieber.

Julian pretends to cry. "How can someone hate Justin Bieber?!" he screeches.

For the entire drive we make fun of each other's taste in music. He's really mainstream, liking Justin Bieber, Chris Brown and One Direction. My taste is nothing like that - Mike Posner, Stevie Hoang and Frank Ocean being some of my favourites. Julian really hasn't heard of any of the artists I name. But regardless, our teasing is really fun, since the only thing we seem to agree on is The Script. I quickly realise that hanging out alone with him on this date is going to be really fun.

Apparently more fun than I'd anticipated. He pulls up at Luna Park, and I squeal like a little kid.

"I take it you like Luna Park?" Julian asks, giving me a look that says he may be a little frightened by extreme outburst.

I laugh. "Uh yeah, just a bit. It's a lot of fun. Have you been?"

"No," Julian answers, locking the car and starting to walk over. "So you're completely in charge tonight."

I smirk. "I like the sound of that." I grab his hand and race towards the entry, ready to start our night of fun.

I'm surprised Julian can keep up with my insaneness. I take him on all the crazy thrill rides, we drive the dodgem cars and continually bash into each other - it's great.

"I'm dead and hungry," Julian says as we get off the flying saucer.

"How can you wanna eat after that?" I ask, clutching at my stomach.

"I guess I'm just tougher than you," Julian teases, taking my hand and dragging me along until we find some food. We sit down and share hot chips, talking just a bit.

After dinner we decide to ease up on the adrenalin pumping rides, and so we head for the sideshow games. We play a few games, and in the most cliché of ways, Julian wins me a stuffed bunny. It's really cute.

"I'm gonna name it Lychee," I announce, bringing its little button nose up to mine.

Julian laughs. "Lychee? What kind of name is that?"

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