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"so jordan, you been clean for 16 days now, how does it feel?" the therapist asked him, he just shrugged.

"it feels good but at the same time normal now. i'm just really craving some weed right now," jordan scratched his head.

"why weed?"

"it keeps me sane. a lot better than cocaine but i like some strong shit. that's why i did cocaine," jordan added.

"well as we speaking on cocaine, that's the perfect place to start a conversation with," she said, "how did you get addicted to it?"

"somebody laced me. i didn't know until i woke up with my head in the wall."

"in the wall?" jordan nods.

"then i found the video since it went everywhere on social media of myself falling down the stairs high off the laced blunt. i can say for myself that that's the reason why i have almost 81 thousand followers just for embarrassing myself."

jordan picked up the cup of water, gulping the rest down.

she nods, writing more stuff down in her notebook. she almost has 6 pages of all of jordan's information. what he likes, dislikes, dreams of, believes in, seeing himself in.

"hmm okay, i would like to move on the good your dreams/believing in."

"we can do that. i believe in character development or improvement."

"of course, that's the best you can do for yourself." she agreed on.

"like really. for example, like frank ocean..." he blushed, he likes talking about frank as he's so nice to him; always picking up the phone every-time jordan calls.

the female therapist put her head up, seeing jordan stopped in mid sentence.

"you like him huh?" she asked which jordan frozed in the moment.

"well uh—i...yeah." jordan admits. "we both like each other. we don't know how to start the fling off."

"he wasn't interested in me at first but ever since i came around, he gravitated towards me. i did the same thing for him too and we have a great friendship/fling now." he blushed.

"but moving on, he signed to def jam where they were fucking him over for years until the release for Blonde. he had a trick up his sleeve. so, what he basically did was that he gave them a instrumental track-list with him building some stairs for like 48 hours straight before he ended the stream. he was getting for 20 million dollars by Apple for doing this but dej jam didn't know this was a trap since they all thought they getting money for this. they all thought this was the actual album but it wasn't."

"so, he dipped from dej before they got that 20 million dollars notice from apple since he needed to give them a percentage. then, he dropped Blonde independently. everything was a decoy trap to blonde."

"pretty smart right?" jordan questioned. "he moved away from a situation that trapped him in this box for a long time and became the most successful person in the music industry just by that decoy. character development."

"very smart."

"hey! i haven't heard from you in 3 days."

"sorry, i was very tired after the therapy sessions. the phone call times is after therapy ends." jordan looked around to the phone booth room, seeing a few teenagers and adults in there.

"do you know they have 2 buildings in the back of the main building i'm in? it's for the teenagers with mental health or drug addictions."

"i must've didn't see that. it is nice?"

"yeah. i only went in there one time since they asked me to deliver some packages around."

"oh? you have a job in there?"

"an assistant job. i only get it if they need me or if i'm doing really good."

"that's good. how long you clean now?"

"according in here—16 days. but i know i've been cleaned for a month and a half," jordan scratched his head, smiling in the phone happily.

"i miss you." jordan blurted out, pushing his sweater more onto his body.

"i do too, it's been lonely here. you lowkey made it fun—even when you were mad quiet." frank chuckled, "i want to ask you something...."

"what is that mr. frank ocean?" jordan smirked into the phone.

"when you get out next month, i want to take you on a date. just a vibe type-of thing." he asked him.

"sure, i'll like that." jordan giggled.

both have a wonderful feeling inside as they talked about major things before logging off for the night.

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