04. "i just don't like you"

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it was tuesday and classes for the day had just ended. jeongguk and bambam parted ways with eunwoo and jaehyun as they all walked out of class.

bambam had to pass his english homework to their teacher in the office before going back home. as for jeongguk, he was on his first day of tutoring taehyung.

"you know, i'm flattered but you really didn't have to walk me to the office." bambam suddenly voiced out.

jeongguk scoffed, "i'm heading to the other building, bam. i'll have to walk past the office to use the back door to get there."

"oh," bambam jutted out his bottom lip, pouting disappointingly. jeongguk lightly pushed his shoulder and they laughed.

"oh also, why are you going there?"

"tutoring taehyung." jeongguk said, halting his steps when they've arrived at the office.

bambam's eyes widened as he turned to fully look at jeongguk, "what?"

"yeah- i'm not doing it as a favor to him. i was asked by ms.cho to tutor him." jeongguk cleared any interesting thoughts that were passing bambam's mind.

"is this a part of the whole 2-months-of-prefects-tutoring-students thingy?" bambam asked.

"yes." jeongguk nodded, not surprised that bambam knew about the thing since the boy had been at the school much longer than he did.

bambam smirked, "fate surely works in mysterious ways, huh?"

"shut up, that's cliché." jeongguk glared at him and turned bambam's body to face the office door. "now go." he pushed the boy.

bambam stumbled forward at the sudden push and then he turned around again to face jeongguk, "and if you guys end up having feelings for each other? or maybe worse- like one of you starts simping?" he raised his eyebrows suggestively, voice tone sounding way more serious than necessary.

"not. gonna. happen. you're delusional." jeongguk remarked, shaking his head dismissively at the ridiculous idea. "it's probably from the amount of wattpad fics you consume everyday." he attacked as he continued walking past the office.

bambam waved a lazy hand, "not delusional, i'm just a visionary!" he exclaimed aloud.

jeongguk laughed it off and made his way to the other building until he realised that neither he nor taehyung had agreed about the location for the sessions.

deciding to call taehyung, jeongguk took his phone from his pocket and did just that as he walked by the empty field. the soft wind blowing through his hair as he looked around.

after a few rings, taehyung picked up the call,

jeongguk rolled his eyes at taehyung's answer, "where are we meeting?"

taehyung took a moment before responding, "the cafe." he said and hung up straightaway.

jeongguk hurried off to get to the cafe.


they sat at the same table as they did when they met up to discuss about the schedule before — though it certainly didn't feel like a discussion.

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