Chapter Two

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Our feast was absolutely amazing; there was loads of pudding, pumpkin juice, and (my favorite), mac and cheese. We all ate until our stomachs hurt, and laughed throughout the entire meal. I have yet to see my brother, and I continuously look in between the seats at the Gryffindor table every few minutes- I finished before any of the others, so I go to try and find him.

"Where are you going?"

"Just the restroom. I'll be right back."

I stand and speed walk out of the dining hall, straight to the rotating stairwells. It takes me a few minutes to correctly hop on to the right set of stairs, but I eventually figure it out with a few minutes until everyone else arrives. I run to the common rooms and find Remus laying on the couch with an ice pack on his head.


I race over to my brother and kneel beside him on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"It's a full moon tonight, and I-I wasn't prepared. I guess I missed the calendar."

He groans in pain and leans over. I grab his hand, trying to calm him in the best way I can.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, but if you could just sta-stay with me for a bit Ros, that'd be great."

"Ok...but I am going to have to get you out of here before everyone else comes in. Do you think you can walk?"

"Yeah, but you're gonna have to help me."

I try lifting him up, in which I receive many groans and curses. I get him standing after using most of the strength in my body, and out the stairs of the common room as people begin to walk up. I spot Sirius through the crowd and call out his name in an attempt to bring my brother outside sooner. Even though we are on the other side of the stairwells, Black manages to find us and rushes over.

"Can you help me, please?"

He nods in return, and begins lifting Remus' other arm. We both walk him down the hallways and out the doors of the school towards Hagrid's hut. My arms are aching from carrying his huge ass body, but I try transporting him a bit further into the forbidden forest- the same place Dumbledore had told us not to enter only hours before.

We reach a spot further from school grounds, fairly hidden by trees, and drop him with much struggle. Remus has somehow managed to fall asleep in his horrible state and terrible looks- I can only hope he transitions sooner than later for his own sake. I place my hands on my knees in order to catch the breath used in my exercise for the day, and sit down on the grassy terrain. Sirius follows, laying beside me with his hands on his stomach.

I realize how he has been more quiet in the past day than I've ever seen him. He is usually the loudest person I know (besides James), and today he has barely even said one word to me. I would expect him to be full of energy, ready to mess with me on the first day back; I'm a bit disappointed he hasn't yet- I enjoyed our quarrels from last year.

I continue with my thoughts for a few more moments until I turn to look at Sirius. He has his arms behind his head, his eyes looking directly above him through the trees to the orange pink sky. He is one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen- his long black hair is the perfect match with his deep eyes and light features. I look ahead as well- the sun is setting, and the temperature is beginning to drop, sending shivers down my spine; not only because of the cold, but for what is to come next.

Even though I am animagus, I've never been of much help to Remus in his time of need- having a horse as my alter ego comes with it's disadvantages. Especially against a full on werewolf, who is almost as tall as me in animal form. Remus' werewolf has given me many scars I hide daily- whether it be with long sleeve shirts or concealer. The one that takes the most effort is across my nose, which I was gifted it in my second year, around the same time the boys discovered my brother's secret. They try to help, but because they aren't animagi, they're more trouble than anything. Once the three of them found out, Peter began researching different ways to become the same as I am- continuing that investigation to this day. So, until they find a way to become animagus, I have to deal with Remus myself- and besides the multiple exams, its the most difficult part of my year.

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