whoomp whoomp whooooomp ohahoh doodoodoodooDOO bam!

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"ANOTHER LONG STORY, but, basically, corrupted catra was singing the tmnt theme song and i was so distracted by it that she was able to steal (y/n) away."

"goddamnit catra." glimmer sighed and looked over at the end of a bread loaf. "i want some toast too"

"with the end piece? for shame."


you were sitting through the really boring movie, on the verge of tears because the movie was so boring it made you sad, when all of a sudden a small clown car crashed through the walls.

"god fucking damnit i can never fucking win" corrupted catra rocked back and forth slightly menacingly

"(Y/N)!" adora exited the car in a full clown costume, followed by glimmer and catra.

corrupted catra said, ".-- .... -.-- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / -.. --- / - .... .. ... / --- -- ..-. --. / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-. .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. . - / -- . / ..-. .. -. .. ... .... / -.. .- -- -."

catra responded "corrupted catra i'ma let you finish, but (y/n) had one of the best videos of all time."

"what video??" you were still confused over corrupted catra speaking morse code aloud.

"this video," catra pulled out a giant ipad that had golden freddy on the case and started playing the gummy bear song. those were dark days for you, recording that song and filming the music video. it still haunts you, the words you sang ringing through your head... you're a gummy bear, yeah youre a gummy bear..

your thought train was fortunately cut off

"please why am i so attracted to (y/n)" corrupted catra said before disappearing into thin air.

but that wouldn't be the last of her. as always, you can cut a bitch...

but you can't kill a bitch.

a/n: im writing this at like 3 am

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