oh god oh fu

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you woke up at 2:36 am, terrified. this meant corrupted catra would be there to torment you.

corrupted catra started slowly walking toward your bed. your eyes were shot open. she crawled on top of you again, "go eat the leftovers."

"no!" you shouted, jumping up out of bed. "i don't wanna listen to you!"

"what did you just say to me?" corrupted catra stared at you angrily. "go eat the leftovers!"

she became some creepy tooth monster and you were terrified so you ran to go eat all the leftovers and then ran back upstairs. "i ate the leftovers."

"good." corrupted catra stared at you. "hm. i'm not done with you yet. play beethoven's 5th symphony in c minor at full volume on speakers outside, loud enough for the entire neighbourhold to hear."

"WHY WOULD I DO THAT?" you screamed.

"to prove your worth to me. do it. now. or do you want me to stomp on you?" corrupted catra lifted her foot.

"please," you said, because you are gay.

corrupted catra stood in shock. she had never been asked to step on someone.

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