"Journey to the Lakelands" (2)

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It was sunrise, Rani and Kion were already awake setting off to head to the Lakelands. "Are you guys ready?" Baliyo asked. "Yes we are. Are you guys sure you're going to be okay?" Kion asked. "Of course, we got everything under control." Bunga said. Kion and Rani weren't so sure. "Don't worry, we've got this." Nirmala added. "Hey, it looks like your family wanted to see you off." Ono said. Kion turned around and saw his mother and father with Kiara and Kovu. Zuri and Tiifu were also there alongside them. "Good luck Kion!" Kiara shouted. "Thanks Kiara. Kovu, you take care of my big sister. Understand?" Kion asked. "Oh yes of course!" Kovu answered with a chuckle.

"Hey Kion, please stay safe out there." Nala said. "Yes, please take care of each other." Simba added. "Okay mom and dad. Bye!" Kion answered and continued walking.

Janja and Jasiri were there too ready to see them off. They both bowed down. "Thanks for coming to my coronation." Kion said. "You kidding? Wouldn't miss this for the world." Jasiri answered. "Bye Kion!" Janja added. They all smiled at each other before walking off to the Lakelands.

Rani and Kion were chatting while walking through the woods. "So, what's King Ashon like?" Kion asked. "I haven't seen him in a while but Queen Janna said that he was always very welcoming, noble, intelligent, and caring. A natural leader. He also has dark blue eyes which look cool." Rani explained. "Woah, he sounds awesome! How about Queen Halina? I want to get to know everyone before we get there." Kion added. "Of course. Queen Halina is very soft-spoken like Nirmala. She's also very kind-hearted. She's very special. She is an all white lion." Rani explained.

"Woah! I can't wait to meet them!" Kion answered. "We're almost there, come on!" Rani said, They both ran deeper into the forest. Rani jumped up onto a rock. "Up here." Rani said. Kion jumped up onto the rock but the pair were stopped by impassable terrain. "How do we get across?" Rani asked. "Watch and learn." Kion said. He used his roar to send Rani across then got himself across afterwards. "Thanks Kion! Not much further now." they both ran off again.

They finally made it to the outsides of the Lakelands, the only entrance was between two mountains. "Just through here! Come on Kion!" Rani said. "Halt!" a female voice said. Two lionesses appeared. "What are your intentions for entering the Lakelands today?" One asked. "Are you here on friendly terms?" the other asked.

"Yes! Kiania, Kinjia, It's me! Rani!" Rani answered. "Rani? Long time no see. Who is this with you?" Kiania asked. "My name is Kion. We are the King and Queen of the Tree of Life." Kion answered. "We're here to meet with King Ashon and Queen Halina to make sure we have peace between us." Rani answered. "Of course. Follow us!" Kinjia said.

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