"King Ashon and Queen Halina" (3)

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Kinjia and Kiania escorted Kion and Rani through the Lakelands. "Woah, this place is beautiful!" Kion commented. Kiania chuckled. "Yeah, we've been here for years and we still enjoy this and are always impressed." she said. Rani turned to the right to see a lake that looked like a small beach with palm trees. The water was very beautiful. "That's so pretty!" she said. They made their way to a cave. "Okay, the king and queen are inside. Go right on in." Kiania said.

Kion and Rani walked into the cave, which was surprisingly warm. Kion noticed the paintings on the walls of the cave. "Ooh." He commented. They continued walking when they reached an opening inside revealing a large room. On a stone slab, a male lion with tan fur and a dark mane with blue eyes sat beside a beautiful all white lioness with green eyes.

"Hello! Welcome to the Lake cave! What brings you here?" The male lion asked. "Oh hello, I'm King Kion and this is Queen Rani. We are the King and Queen of the Tree of Life as well as the leaders of the Night Pride. I'm also the former leader of the Lion Guard." Kion explained. "Oh it's lovely to meet you. I am Queen Halina and this is King Ashon." Halina said. "Be welcome here!" Ashon added.

Rani and Kion both bowed down to them. "Wait, you let anyone enter here?" Rani asked. "Well of course! We here at the Lakelands believe that everyone should be welcome everywhere." Halina explained. "That's really nice actually." Rani answered and smiled. "We're here on friendly terms. As the new King and Queen, we want to make sure that we both are at peace." Kion explained. "Of course Kion, we're allied areas. Also, sorry to hear about Queen Janna. She will be missed." Ashon said.

"Mom, dad! I'm back!" A voice said. A brown teenage lion with light blue eyes walked inside. "Hello my son! Kion, Rani, I want you to meet Koman, our son. Koman, this is King Kion and Queen Rani." Halina said. "Hello!" Rani greeted. "Nice to meet you Koman!" Kion added.

"Nice to meet you guys too." He said and bowed to them. "We just came to make sure we have peace between us. We've finished our task so I don't know what to do now." Rani said. "Hey Koman, why don't you show our guests around?" Ashon suggested. "Of course! Come with me guys there's a lot to see!!" Koman said.

Koman took them around the area. "These are our beaches which are always open to everybody to swim and cool off. While you're here, you should take a swim." Koman said. "Sure. Maybe after this tour." Rani answered. "Oh and over here is our main watering hole. Up on top of that hill." Koman explained. 

"Hey Koman, what's the best part about living here?" Kion asked. "Well, all of the people here are really laid back and friendly. Everyone will make you feel right at home." Koman explained. "That's great." Kion answered. They walked past a lake with palm trees around it. It was much different from the other ones. "Hey what about this lake?" Rani asked. "Oh this one, this is specifically for members of the royal family. You guys are more than welcome to use this one." Koman explained. They both walked into the lake which was surprisingly warm. "Woah! This is awesome." Kion explained. The three of them were splashing each other in the lake, having fun. Afterwards, they chatted to get to know Koman better.

"So, what do you do around here Koman?" Kion asked. "I am the King and Queen's son and also the leader of The Lake Pride." Koman answered. "The Lake Pride?" Rani asked. "Yeah, it's like the special guard of this area. We protect everyone here. Well, technically I am the only member..." Koman said disappointedly. "Really? What about Kiania and Kinjia?" Kion asked. "They're a part of it too, but they only really guard the entrance. Sometimes it gets pretty difficult doing patrols on my own all day. Especially since this one group of lions always attack. They get stronger everyday." Koman explained.

"Really?" Kion asked. "Yes, they're led by this one lion. Kodjo. And what's worse, he has this powerful roar." Koman explained. "The roar of the elders? Where lions of the past roar with them?" Rani asked. "Yeah. He doesn't know how to use it well yet but he still can cause some damage." Koman answered.

"Wait so why does Kodjo want to attack you guys?" Kion asked. "It's a very long story. Let's say his ancestors and mine haven't agreed with each other for a long time. They want to take over as leaders of the Lakelands. But we can't let that happen, otherwise. They'd kick everyone who lives here out of our homes." Koman explained.

"That doesn't sound good. If you need any help at all, you can ask the Night Pride for help." Rani said. "Thanks Rani." Koman said. It was silent for a bit. "Alright guys, it's getting late. Let's head back to the cave. You may rest there with us tonight." Koman said. "Thank you." Kion said. The three of them made it to the cave that night.

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