"Friend or Foe?" (5)

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Koman was patrolling the land. He finally felt proud and more confident now that he had the roar. After his patrol, he decided to go and lay in the sun resting by a small lake. "It is another lovely day here." he commented. It was so warm he ended up falling asleep.

After about an hour, Koman heard the sound of somebody walking right beside him. He woke up immediately. "Woah, I haven't seen you around here before." he commented. It was a snow leopard. "Oh hey. I'm very sorry, I did not mean any trouble." they answered. "Woah hey, calm down. I'm Koman, what's your name?" Koman asked. "You even sound like him. Oh no!" The leopard commented. "Like who?" Koman asked. "This one lion named Kion." the leopard answered. "You know Kion?" Koman asked. "Yeah, we're not exactly on the best terms. He kicked me out of the tree of life. Granted, I did kinda want to invade it." they answered. "Wait, who are you?" Koman asked again.

"My name is Chuluun." Chuluun answered. "Nice to meet you Chuluun. Where are you off to now? I'm assuming you have learned your lesson to not mess with the Tree of Life, huh?" Koman asked. He seemed rather relaxed talking to someone who had previous evil intentions. But Chuluun seemed kind of laid back as well. "Yeah, I'm just done now. Anyway, I'm off. Can you show me the way out of here?" Chuluun said. "Here, I'll escort you out of the Lakelands." Koman said. They both started to walk off when he noticed something. "Wait, you're limping." he said. "Yeah, my paw hurts so much, look at this scar I got. When Kion used his roar, I got caught in a spiky bush." Chuluun explained. Koman very carefully examined it. "Alright, I have an idea, it may be crazy." Koman said. "What is it?" Chuluun asked.

"Hear me out, I am gonna take you to be healed at the Tree of Life. If I'm there, I promise Rani and the Night Pride would let you in, and they would help." Koman explained. "I'm not so sure about that. I still don't like them, and they don't like me either." Chuluun said. "Come on Chuluun. At least give it a try." Koman suggested. "Fine, let's get going." Chuluun responded.

Koman and Chuluun both walked off heading to Tree of Life. While they walked, they decided to at least get to know each other. "So, you used to be a bad guy? You actually seemquite kind, not at all like a bad guy." Koman asked. "Thanks. One of my friends talked about rare animals that we could eat at the Tree. But ever since our defeat, we all disbanded. I don't know about the others, but I've been thinking about a new way to go about my life." Chuluun answered. "Well it seems you have learned your lesson. Maybe you can join my guard to help protect the Lakelands." Koman suggested. "You really think so?" Chuluun asked. "Yeah! I'd be willing to give you a chance. I think you could really help out around here." Koman answered. "Alright, I'll think about it." Chuluun answered and smiled, warming up to Koman a bit.

After a little while longer, they made it closer. "This place looks familiar." Chuluun commented. "We must be getting close." Koman answered. "Stop right there!" a female voice said. Chuluun's ears went back, she knew who it was. It was Fuli and Azaad. "Fuli wait, maybe they come in peace." Azaad said. "Really? That's Chuluun, an enemy of the Tree Of Life." Fuli answered.

"Please, let me speak to King Kion or Queen Rani, it's important!" Koman shouted. Fuli realized that this lion knew Kion. "Fine, you stay right there." She answered before running off.

After a while, she came back with Kion, Rani, and the whole Night Pride were there. "Koman? Chuluun!? What is going on here?!" Kion asked, more confused than angry.

"Guys please, she needs help, look at her paw." Koman said. "Wait, so you took one of our enemies here to be healed, are you crazy?" Baliyo asked. "Nirmala, at least take a look." Rani ordered. Nirmala walked up to Chuluun and examined her paw. Kion also took a look. "Did I do that?" He asked. "Looks like you have some deep cuts here. Can you walk on it?" She asked. "No, it hurts so much. Can you please help me?" Chuluun asked. There was a brief moment of silence. "Rani, what are you thinking we should do?" Surak asked. Rani looked over to Kion. "Kion, you know what we have to do. Chuluun, I can't believe I'm saying this but, you're going to come with us to the Tree of Life to heal that scar. Nirmala, go and take her there. Everyone else, go with her. Koman, I need to talk with you." Rani said.

Rani went to go talk with Koman. Fuli walked off with the rest of the group. "Why did we let her here again? Have we forgotten about everything she did to us?" Fuli asked. "I know. But Koman is the Prince of the Lakelands. We've met and it seems like he always knows what he's doing. He's very smart. He probably knew that Chuluun wouldn't do anything bad again. We should at least heal her." Kion explained. "Alright, but I don't fully trust her." Fuli responded.

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