Chapter One

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I woke up in a strange room it was a red color, that's when I saw two females laying on the floor near me. "What the heck?" I said out loud to my self. One of the girls looked young, maybe like 15 years old, the other looked around 16 .

I stood up and walked up to a African American girl. "Hello?" I spoke. The girl woke up, "What the hell!?" She quietly yelled. "Can y'all shut up?" A monotone voice started.

"First I get kidnapped then I get woken up by two strangers." The voice continued, then a girl with purple hair shot up, then looked around the room.

"Red isn't even my color, I prefer Purple, but whatever."

"How are you so chill about getting kidnapped." I asked the purple haired girl.

"Already gotten kidnapped, so what can I do now?" She shrugged

I looked at her, then turned to the other girl who was near the door.

"What are you doing?"

"There's a door, so obviously I'm gonna walk out of it."

"What if-"

"I wanna go too." The purple haired girl said.

I rolled my eyes, then followed them, because I definitely didn't want to stay in the strange room by myself.


Me and two other dudes, named Virgo and Capricorn walked out of a room with green walls.

"I wonder what we're here for." Virgo said while fixing his glasses.

"Yeah, there's nothing special about me." Capricorn said (He thinks).

"Maybe somebody kidnapped us, so they could get money from our parents." I shrugged

Both boys stopped walking and turned to me.

"What? People do it all the time."

About 2 minutes of walking we bumped into a group of three.


I'll be quick on this one. I woke up in a white room, with two girls next to me. My first thought was...did I just get laid, then I remembered that I don't I have a social life.

We introduced ourselves, the two girls names are Libra, and Aquarius. Anyway back to the present.

Our group three ran into another group of three. Libra accidentally bumped into a dude with glasses, knocking him over.

"I'm so sorry." Libra said while reaching her hand out to help him up.

"Its fine." He said grabbing her hand, then looked at her then me and Aquarius.

"Do you guys know why we're here?" He said referring to him and the two boys behind him.

"No." Aquarius shook her head. "We just woke up in a weird room." I continued for her.

That's when we heard another group talking.


Ok so I woke up saw this girl next to me, so I tapped her to wake her up. Her name is Scorpio. Then we met with a group of three, who also woke up in a strange room.

As we were talking and walking down the hall, we heard talking.

"Did I just hear talking?" Scorpio quietly asked.

"I heard that too!" A girl named Sagittarius said.

"Maybe they can help us!" I exclaimed

"Let's go!" Aries said agreeing with me.

As we ran down the hall we saw a group running towards us. Scorpio stopped, which made the rest of our group stopped.

"Who are you?" Scorpio demanded.

They looked at each other until a female walked up front.

"I'm Aquarius. Who are you?"

Scorpio looked the girl, then softened her face. "I'm Scorpio, this is Aries, Sagittarius, you can call her Sag, Leo, and Cancer." She answered while pointing to each person.

"Who are you?" I asked pointing to the group ahead of us.

"While I'm Aquarius. This is Libra and Gemini." She started. "I don't y'all names yet." She continued while turning to the other group.

"I'm Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus.

That's when we heard a noise.



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