Chapter Three

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"I wanna go home. Can I go home?" I whined to the guy.

He looked at me, then at everyone else.

"Sure." The guy said.



I glared at him cursing him out in my head.

In like 5 minutes of walking we were at a mansion.

In like 5 minutes of walking we were at a mansion

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"Woah!" Cancer stared.

I looked over to Aquarius, she looked worried. Then I looked over to Pieces he looked annoyed. But Leo looked like she was ready to attack, like literally. She backed away from the guy.

I looked at him and knew something was up, everyone knew.

After the guy was finished talking about...something, I wasn't paying attention, anyway after he finished talking, something flew.


Right when we were about to walk into the mansion, a arrow of some sort shot out.

The arrow was shooting near Sagittarius, but she didn't really notice until it was right near her face.

Before anyone could have a reaction...she caught the arrow. It all happened so quickly, Sagittarius hand moved like she had super speed. I also noticed that her eyes were glowing.

Her eyes widened, I must admit that it was amusing, part of me really thought that I would see someone get a piercing through their skull.

"Cool." I said breaking the silence.

"THAT WAS EPIC!" Gemini excitedly shouted.


Right when the arrow shot and Sagittarius caught it, the guy disappeared like, he just left.

I looked over to Sagittarius, she was looking at her hands. Sagittarius then looked up at Capricorn when he spoke.



"Is that a lightning bolt?" I asked.

"I think so?" Sagittarius questioned

"Where did that guy go? Aries asked.

"Pisces do you know?" Leo asked looking at him.

Pisces shrugged then walked over to Sagittarius to look at the arrow.

"Is it safe to touch?" Libra asked.

"I wanna touch it." Gemini said reaching out, but then Taurus smacked his hand.

"You definitely do not want to touch it."

Scorpio nodded in agreement.

"It's glowing." I said while looking at the lighting bolt.

"Yes it is." Virgo responded as I stated the obvious. "I suggest that nobody other then Sagittarius should touch it."

"Why so?" Leo quietly asked.

"Lighting can burn you very badly an-" Before Virgo could finish the guy interrupted, we all jumped.

"Did you guy think Pisces was lying when he said those things?"


I rolled my eyes, then walked into to the house, I've seen it before, so I just went to the fourth floor, and sat in the water common room.

"Hi, I'm Cancer." A voice spoke

I looked over and saw a short girl with long purple hair.

"Hi." I said in a monotone voice, I didn't mean to have that tone though.

"You're Pisces right?" The girl spoke.

I nodded my head.

Cancer opened her mouth then closed again.

"Hello." Another voice spoke. I looked over and saw a girl, she had bangs and blue highlights.

"I'm Scorpio." I waved then looked at the stairs. I saw my father (the guy).

He waved for us to come, then turned around.

"Come on." I said telling them to follow.

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