Chapter 6

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"Here read it yourself." Aries gave the papers to Cancer.

"Cancer: Healing and causing pain (User can heal and cause pain, the pain could hurt so bad that...the one receiving the pain would do anything to make it stop...even commit suicide. I don't want to read it anymore." Cancer said pushing the paper into the nearest person's hands, which happened to be Sagittarius's.

Sagittarius did not want to read the papers, so she was relieved when Pisces took them from her.

"Cancer: Healing and causing pain (User can heal and cause pain, the pain could hurt so bad that the one receiving the pain would do anything to make it stop even commit suicide). Weakness: pain (The user when healing will feel some pain in the area they healed from the other person)."

"Next person." He said as if what he read didn't affect him.

"Leo: Super Strength, Shapeshifting (The user can lift a huge amount of weight. The user can also shapeshifting into a variety of animals, and sometimes even into other humans). Weakness: sore muscles, headaches (If lifting to much the user will have sore muscles and feel lightheaded which can cause headaches)."

"And they'll probably have an identity crisis." Aquarius jokes, which got her a glare from Leo.

"I wanna read now." Sagittarius said grabbing the papers from Pisces, at first she was worried but now she just wants to get this over with.

"Virgo: Telepathy and mind control (The user can communicate with others by using their mind. The user can make others do want the want for them) To use telepathy the user has to be within 2 miles from the person, for mind control the user can only use it for about 5 minutes. Weakness: extreme headaches." "Woah that's cool." Leo said excitedly. "Mhm." Virgo agreed.

"Libra: Telekinesis and Levitation (The user can use telekinesis, but can't really lift objects too heavy. To use levitation to user must be relaxed). Weakness: headaches."

"Be relaxed? How can I possibly be relaxed when I'm all of a sudden a hero." Libra shook her head.


"Read the next one." Capricorn said. His power was yet to be revealed and that made him anxious, but he wouldn't show it.

Sagittarius nodded. "Scorpio: Water Manipulation(The user can shape water to any form wanted. To use the ability the user must have water on them at all times). Weakness: there isn't one as long as there's water."

"So as long as I have water with me I pretty much don't have a"

"Sagittarius: Speed and Lightning/Thunder control (The user of this ability is practically the fastest thing on earth. The user can control both lightning and thunder, though the ability only works based on the user's mood). Weakness dizziness, possible mood swings?"

"Sagittarius is the first to get her ability." Capricorn said in a monotone voice.

"I was, I wonder who will get theirs next." Sagittarius said raising a eyebrow. "Anyway next person."

"Capricorn: Earth Bending (User can bend rock, sand, plants, and dirt, as all are part of earth). Weakness nothing really since there's earth everywhere."

Though his ability was announced Capricorn was still anxious, to be honest he barely heard anything Sagittarius said.

"Woah, you're kinda unbeatable." Cancer exclaimed.

"Yeah totally cool!" Aquarius agreed.


Aquarius was a huge fan of comics and superhero films, so she was barely able to stand there without jumping up and down.

"Read the next one." She eagerly said.

"Aquarius: Teleportation (User can teleport to any place wanted, but in order to be able to they must concentrated and calm, or they could accidentally teleport somewhere unwanted. User can teleport up to 3 people plus themselves). Weakness: headaches."

"Wow, my power is epic!" Aquarius said going on her tippy toes then her heels.

"Time for the last pape-" Sagittarius started but soon got interrupted.

"Actually you don't need to read mine." Pisces said quickly taking the papers from her hands.

"What's wrong?" Aries said looking at the boy.

"My power is bad, like worse than Cancers'."

"How so?" Gemini said with a concerned look.

Pisces sighed then spoke. "Here read this." He said shoving the papers into Gemini's hand.

"Pisces: Blood Bending (User can control anything that has blood. User can make others bodies burst from blood pressure). Weakness dizziness, blood loss (When using ability user can lose blood from many places nose, mouth, ear, maybe even eyes)."

Aquarius stared at the paper then glanced at Pisces quickly. "...THE EYES?! BLEEDING FROM THE EYES?"

"How did you know about your ability, have you ever used it?" Leo tilted her head.

"No I would never. And remember I'm related to Ophiuchus...he's my dad, adoptive dad though I don't consider him family or anything close to that."

"So that means you still have your memories." Taurus said crossing his arms.

"Yes, but I wish I did lose them."


Pisces was debating whether to tell them about everything, their lives before the "kidnapping", but when he opened his mouth Ophiuchus came out from the gym. It's like whenever Pisces was gonna share things about their lives before the "kidnapping" he comes back.

Ophiuchus looked at Pisces, like he knew Pisces was going to say something. He then looked at Aries.

"Are you guys done?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah, perfect timing." Aries said in a kinda questioning tone.

"When do we start training?" Aquarius raised her hand.

Ophiuchus smiled with a remote in his hand, "Now." He then flicked his hand in a gesture to follow him as he walking over to some robot.

All the other Zodiacs at first hesitated, but Pisces followed along as if he actually trusted Ophiuchus.

It was only a few steps, but when Ophiuchus stopped there was people. They looked so familiar, that's when he saw one that looked like him.

"They...look like us." Scorpio said looking at the one that looked like her.

"Yes, they're robots, designed to adapt to your abilities." Ophiuchus said then turned to Aquarius, "You seem eager to use your ability."

The girl was sorta startled when spoken to. "I don't even know how to use the ability. I still think this isn't real."

"Oh it's real all right. And about the ability it just happens, you have to stay still and concentrate hard. Wanna give it a try?"

Pisces could see on the girl's face that she was hesitant, but seconds later her face changed and she nodded.

"Great, uh the rest of you stand back." Ophiuchus said pointing the remote at the robot that looked like Aquarius and turned it on.


Words: 1117

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