chapter 2

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So you want to read more?Okay,then listen up.

I walked into the kitchen to see Guinevive Stevens or Guin as everyone calls her.Guin is one of the prettiest girls around and i'll never know why she is in care well apart from the fact she is a total brat,but anyway.Guin has long blonde wavy hair that is so perfect I don't believe it is real which she claims it is.Blue eyes and the perfect completion as well.She is always wearing expensive designer clothes which just makes her even more of a show off.Guin was on her phone probably to her boyfriend who I never met so I can't really comment on him,but he is probably the male version of her as everyone has to agree with everything she says.Upon seeing me she gave me a you-are-such-an-idiot look which was odd since she didn't know me yet but she's the type to judge on appearance I shouldn't have been surprised.I said hi and she raised an eyebrow.If I could  feel nervous I probably would have swallowed the lump that would be in my throat.Pretending that I didn't care about her reaction I went and opened one of the cupboards as if I knew what was in there which I obviously didn't.

Unfortunately the cupboard I opened was not facing Guin so I could not see her come up behind me and push me over as she walked into the garden.When I stood up I hit my head on the open cupboard door.By this time I hated Guin and I knew she hated me,and just to make matters worse I heard laughing,I turned around to see Tina Meers and Tyler Jones.Those two girls know everything and I mean everything.Tina has dark brown/black hair like myself,brown eyes and wears a lot of black.Tyler has dark hair too but you can still tell hers is brown but that's because she is always outside,brown eyes(why does almost everyone have brown eyes its almost as if  its the only eye colour)and is a lot more feminine than Tina.How are those two best friends?I don't know.Now remember how I said Guin is ONE of the most attractive girls around well these two are others on that list.

"So many times that's happened it just becomes funny after a while."Tina laughed.So I wasn't the only victim of the action but I still hated her."Sorry to laugh,anyway we're your know-it-all's but not your regular type.No I'm Tyler and this is Tina."Tyler explained.See that's how I know about them,well at least they were being nice to me.Who is she?I asked see I get to know more just like you so it works both ways.After a few minutes of talking I heard something at the window I looked over to see it was raining.Staring out the window I decided to go outside.Stepping out I saw Guin complaining about the rain to who ever she was talking to on her phone,saying something about how it makes everything wet and ruins her hair.I jogged over to the swing under a tree Guin just glared at me before going back into the house being careful not to get too wet.

I sat down on the swing and thought about everything that had happened over the last year and became angry again.Why had this happened to me?Because i'm cursed like I told you.Understand that,and if you still don't believe me then just stay here and keep listening.Tina came over and sat on the bench that was also under the same tree as the swing I was on.She asked if I was okay and what I was doing out in the rain and I explained very briefly all that had happened to me.I found that we had quite a bit in common,she went in after a while as she had computers to hack,oh yeah that's how she and Tyler know so much.About half an hour later I went back in the house to my room it had been a long day and I wanted some sleep.

The next morning I went downstairs to have breakfast with all the other kids who were all in their own worlds.Guin was staring at me again.So I decided to go and sit next to Tina and Tyler,but they ignored me for some reason.I ate breakfast in silence after I gave up on getting the two to talk to me.After everyone else had left it was just me and Tina and Tyler.The girls were putting the recorders that they had stuck to the bottom of the chairs into a bag.Yeah its their mission to know EVERYTHING.When they had finished that Tyler apologised for ignoring me and went off some where.I was bored but decided not to take chances on meeting the other kids after yesterday.

Time went on and after forever it had been a month since I had been in care,I had a few letters saying I could go home but I just didn't feel like going back.I had something here-friends who ignored me half the time a pretty enemy and ten or so people who just stared at me what more could I want.Well I would kill for it now but that's not the case.Still I had to admit life was a bit more exciting even though I still couldn't feel emotion.

A few more weeks later I was in town when I saw a familiar face Charlie Muse,my best friend I hadn't seen her in over a year,I had heard from her but not in months I wondered if she remembered me.I called out to her and she immediately turned towards me a look of shock and surprise on her face. Charlie was a really nice girl but a lot of people judged her because she had red hair.I didn't,I loved her hair,it went well with her blue eyes(yes someone with blue eyes)and light skin.She was the hyper type,so I wasn't surprised when she hugged me tight and starting going on about she hadn't heard from me in ages,she even said that at one point she thought I was dead,oh Charlie so over reactive.

We hung around the park,went and got some lunch,did some shopping just like old times,I really miss those days.Fun days,i'm almost certain that I felt happy or be that was just nostalgia of times when I could feel emotion.Who knows,we saw Guin with some friends who I didn't know and that was when I chose to tell Charlie about the whole no emotion thing,yes I know she's my best friend why didn't I tell her earlier well I didn't feel like okay?And I don't care about what you have to say about that because if that's the case then you can stop listening which you probably will,no cares about me except a few and you may or may not be able to see the future but keep listening if you want to know what happens to them...oh sure stay for them.

Anyway kind people,Charlie knew about my parents deaths and she tried to be there for me but with my emotions fading out of my life I didn't need her to be there.And that was why we sort of drifted and I still regret that happening as it  would have been nice to know that I still had something from the life I once lived but no I almost lost her and I still think that if I hadn't seen her that day she would have disappeared out of my existence completely.We had this long talk about my life and even though I had told her about the no emotion thing she said she was surprised that I wasn't crying.To bad that I had to be back by 5pm because I had been ignoring the 'jobs around the house' as the care workers put it,not that I cared about that it just sucked that I couldn't spend more time with MY BEST FRIEND!!

Sorry,but I warned you that I can get angry easily.You know thinking back Guin had blue eyes I wonder if the fact that most of the people in the care home had brown eyes annoyed her.Now Amelia don't get distracted,I said goodbye to Charlie and promised to call her soon which was a problem because the care workers threatened to take my phone next time I avoided my 'jobs around the house' which I would never do and even if I tried to hide my phone Tina and Tyler would know where it was and being know-it-all's they wouldn't try to say they didn't know because everyone knew their obsession with knowing everything.In fact at one point that day I could swear I saw Tyler but oh well I would just have to call her really soon.

Tina and Tyler were sitting in the living room on their phones and one of the other girls who I didn't care to know was also on her phone,Tina and Tyler were probably hacking into her phone finding out who she was talking to and what about,seriously those two take their whole 'profession' way too seriously.Tina quickly glanced at me acknowledging me,whispered something to Tyler before putting her phone in her pocket and following me upstairs to my room.I guess I better describe my room.I suppose it's feminine the walls are cream and so was the small sofa I had in there with a tv on the wall above it,the covers on my bed were pink,a desk in front of the window and some small dark wood  pieces of furniture to put my clothes and other things in.It was really nothing special,well not in my opinion back then,STOP GETTING DISTRACTED!!

Again sorry,Tina followed me in,I didn't care what she wanted,you see for some reason the two girls pretended I didn't even exist half the time so I never knew when it was okay to go to them,so I let be the other way around.Apparently the two had just found out in detail why I was in care and apparently wanted to talk to me about it.Okay?I had to go through that twice in one day.I definitely needed some sleep after that.Speaking of which I found a place to rest tonight wish me luck I never sleep these don't have to wish me luck,you probably don't care I wouldn't blame you.

Picture's of the girls,living room and Amelia's bedroom on my photobucket link on my profile.

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