chapter 4

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...Oh hey I didn't expect to see you again.So your here to know what happened next in my life?Okay,if you want to waste your time listening to me.

I lived in back alleys of town making sure that I wasn't seen.It wasn't that hard but after a while I found this perfect alley.It had a light at night,I don't know why as no one ever went down this particular alley but anyway.It had lots of cover,access to a nearby shop stockroom so food and drink was easier to come by.The only time when anyone else was there was when shop workers put the rubbish out but I soon found out when they came so I knew when to hide.

It was about five months since I found out that Tina and Tyler didn't live in care when I saw them again.Oh yeah I saw them again.I was sitting in the alley,reading a newspaper,hey I still like to know what goes on in the world,I forgot the name of it but that's not important.I heard footsteps and instinctively hid,when I saw who it was I called out to them.They heard me and Tina immediately hugged me and then Tyler picked me up like she always did.They told me that they were taking a shortcut home.That was also when I found that they were step-sisters,apparently they didn't tell anyone because of their profession...I still don't understand but I think that they sometimes don't understand themselves.

They would come and see me for an hour every Wednesday and Thursday after school,they would do their homework with me,so as to help me learn.Also I told them about the whole leaving thing and what happened with Charlie,they didn't judge me for my actions and promised not to tell anyone where I was.I was grateful for that,the last thing I wanted was being found and questioned with about a thousand lights in my eyes.

Eventually It was a year since I had been missing and investigations had started to die down,from what I heard in the paper anyway(I use that word a lot it starting to annoy me).One day I got caught taking some stuff from the stockroom and had to run.After a few hours of running I found a pay phone that still worked,keeping my hood up I called Tina and Tyler telling them that I wouldn't be in that alley anymore.I knew that they cared about me and they were worried about me.They asked where we could meet but I told them I was leaving town for a while and I didn't know when I would be back, which was the truth.They were sad but they understood my decision.We said goodbye over a bad pay phone signal...I wish it didn't have to be that way,because if you still can't tell I haven't seen or heard from them since.I was angry,I didn't care if anyone was watching me but I smashed the glass panes in the booth before storming off.I had left everyone behind,now left to exist alone.

The Bickerstaff's...




All gone,left behind,not knowing if I would ever see them again.

The Bickerstaff's probably felt awful,but I didn't have the ability to feel awful myself.

Charlie didn't even know what happened she didn't really know the last time I saw her.She looked so scared,but I couldn't have that same feeling.

Tina and Tyler were sad when I last heard them,but I didn't,I couldn't feel sadness.And that made me angry.

I decided in that point of time,almost 14 years old that I needed something new,I knew I could just lose some one else,but I didn't care.

Where did I go?A small town set in a cliff,it was like a town you would see in a story in terms of location.It was a regular town,it was kinda run down but that was only on one side of town.But I was in luck and I made a new friend on my first day.Sneaking around I bumped into a new face.

Rosie Michael's,a loudmouth fun loving girl.She was homeless as well and was giving me a confused and shocked look."Your-r Amelia J-Johnson aren't y-you."why was she stuttering.I pulled her into a shaded area under some trees and put my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.I explained to her all that she needed to know such as why I had been reported as missing.She seemed to have calmed down,I let go of her and she introduced herself.Rosie is a really nice person she's two years older than me so she's kinda like my big sister and that's saying something.She has long blonde hair,which sometimes has highlights depending on if she can get access to hair dye,bright blue eyes and a light skin complexion.She wears a lot of black clothes yet they are revealing but not too much.For example when we met she was wearing a black cami where the stitching had come out at the bottom and was faded,denim shorts with rips(i'm pretty sure they weren't originally there)and some old worn black converse as well as a backpack which had her stuff in.

Rosie said she wouldn't turn me in and she didn't.We became great friends almost immediately and within a few months we knew everything about each other,she even knew about my whole no emotion thing.But to be honest I didn't need to worry about that anymore as something was beginning to change.

What?You want to know about Rosie?Okay,here's a bit of info just for you.

Rosie's mother died when she was about 4 years old,and her older sister ran away and hasn't been seen since.Her dad wasn't able to take care of her as the loss had hit him too hard,much like mine,Rosie left before being put into care but by this time she was 9 so she thought 'if my sister can do it so can I'.And she never looked back,she never lets it get the better of her,she can talk about openly without a care.That's the basics of her life.Very similar to mine so that's another reason we get along.

Rosie is always making jokes and that caused something to change.It caused me to change.Anyone could find Rosie hilarious.One day we were sitting in our flat(i'll explain that later)Rosie was making jokes as usual and I just randomly burst out laughing,now why would I laugh if I couldn't feel happy,but that's the thing you see in that moment I could. Rosie knew about this and she became as confused as I was,she always tried to make me laugh but this was the first time she had succeeded.It was only for a few moments but that was the first time I had laughed in years.

I didn't laugh again for a while but I did,Rosie was determined to make me laugh again.Now onto another matter,because if you care that probably has you confused as well.The flat.The flat we lived in was abandoned,it was really run down,I don't know why the council didn't just demolish the place but it was good they didn't.We only used the living room as the kitchen was terrible and Rosie wouldn't even let me see the bedrooms and bathroom. But we made the most of it as it was the only shelter we had then.

Ever since I was 14 I have had these fazes where I can feel emotion,apart from anger which I can feel whenever.Sometimes I feel happy,sometimes sad,even fear and painful regret.Even when it is a bad feeling I get as close to excited as I can which seems to make the fazes come quicker.But these events have no pattern they just happen when they feel like it.

It was nice to have some one to live with not having to be on my own,and I couldn't ask for a better person to be with than Rosie.Now onto life,we would sneak into the library,twice a week,through the back door.And take books,more often than not we would keep them where they would end up shoved in the corner of the living room never to see daylight.That was just to keep updated with stuff a little education you could say,now that I think about it most of the books we took were fiction and not educational at all.But still it was reading so it counts...

I still read newspapers but not everyday.We had a routine plan type of thing,where one of us would go into a big supermarket,get some food and such,while the other would go into the back,into the stockroom where all of the deliveries are and open the door for the other,scan the items as if they were any other delivery take the items out the back and then cancel the order so as to not trigger the alarm(A/N:I don't know if this works but I wouldn't recommend trying).It was a lot easier and the food lasted longer but it was dangerous if we were caught it would change everything as we were both classed as missing it would bring up many questions and lights in our eyes.

So that was life until I was almost 15,not great but not terrible,since we are getting close to my life today the next time we meet if your still interested in my life I will be older and so will you not that it's important but's raining...huh,oh bye for now.

(A/N:next chapter as Amelia said will be at a later stage in her life but not like 30 years or something about 5 at the most,hope you enjoyed.Pictures of Rosie and the basis of the alley on my photobucket, link on my profile.)

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