chapter 5

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(A/N:This is the last chapter,sad face,but I have the epilogue next,happy face,so...enjoy)

Oh's been a while since you came to listen to my life I should say.So let me clear one or two things up here-i'm now 21 years old or years young as Rosie likes to put it.Rosie is still with me and as for me many things have changed in some aspects and not at all in others.Now since your here I suggest we begin...

Over time Rosie grew to enjoy the rain's presence just as much as I did and still do to this day.On my 18th birthday it rained and my emotions came to me once again-I felt happy,me and Rosie had left the town we met in and were now traveling to nowhere in particular.It was okay though I had my friend with me after all.Rosie managed to get a 'new' bag for me as a birthday present.Now I say 'new' because the bag itself wasn't new it was second-hand and stolen,it was a nice bag pretty big,long strap,worn denim material.I don't no what it is some people might say that worn denim is rough and itchy but I always found it to be quite soft,but anyway...

By this time Rosie was 20-an adult she had grown a bit-a lot more responsible and calmer in the face of danger but still a goofball.Under her new persona I became braver and decided to go to the authorities and 'turn myself in' no I wasn't a criminal well actually I was but that's not the point i'm trying to make the point is I can't think of any other way to word it.Rosie understood my choice and promised to go with me telling the authorities about herself as well.

Now here's where things get a bit..........I don't know how to put'll understand in a minute.We decided to go back to my home town the one where I lived in a care it seems so long ago...sorry that's me getting distracted again...I guess some things never change...

We passed through my original home town and guess who I bumped into,well walked into I should say.I wasn't looking where I was going and I had my hood up.The hoodie I was wearing was a few sizes to big so the hood practically covered my whole face which was kind of a bad thing at that time.

I walked straight into Charlie.She was window shopping in town and was clearly caught off guard."Oh,sorry."when I heard that I froze Charlie my best friend,MY BEST FRIEND,was standing in front of me and I didn't say anything.I didn't know what to say,what would you say if you were meeting your best friend for the first time in about 4 years and the last time they saw you they screamed in fear.Rosie saw that I couldn't move and pulled me away apologizing to Charlie.She pulled me into an alley and I became mobile again,I became angry.I punched the wall hurting my hand but I didn't care just like I didn't care about any other cuts or bruises or the black eye I had.How could I not say anything?

After a few moments Rosie managed to calm me down and got me to explain why I was angry.Once she understood she pulled me around town to see if we could find Charlie obviously having to be careful that no one saw us,we didn't want to get found at the last minute.There was no sign of her.I thought that maybe it was better,maybe I should just move on,but I had something to do and wasn't going to be distracted.

What happened?Well it's a long technical story i'll just say that after many questions,lights and faces we were once again part of society,to an extent,we didn't really know what to do or where to go.Whatever happened I was sticking with Rosie.

Now I think I mentioned that Rosie had a sister.If I didn't...well...she has a sister...

So upon hearing that Rosie was alive and stuff,Rosie's sister got in touch and we stayed with her.Rosie's sister-Janey-had done pretty well and managed to get us a flat of our own.Rosie got a job as a sales rep in a clothes shop called A Shonta(not a real shop as far as I know,A Shonta doesn't mean anything...I think).She got paid enough to pay the rent.I didn't have a job,I didn't know what I wanted to do.

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