Chapter 1 [Unedited]

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Four year old Irene sat on the bench in the playground. She was exhausted from all the physical activities of the day. Rephrasing it - She was exhausted for continuously playing for the past two hours. Just as she was about to get up, a friend of hers came from behind and shouted her name, much to her dismay. Now that meant that she out in this round of hide and seek.

"Now thats all for today kids," Mrs. Hubbard, Irene's governess shouted.

"One more round, please." The kids pleaded, to which she shook her head saying that all the playing was enough for the day and they should save some energy for the next day.

"Nana, please," Irene said with her big blue eyes and that adorable face of hers that was hard to reject. But Mrs. Hubbard had gotten immune to it by now.

"No, we have to go. Its already getting dark. And if your daddy finds out," Irene's eyes lit up at the mention of her father's name - he was her hero. The kids agreed and wished each other their goodbyes, agreeing to meet the next day.

Mrs. Hubbard and Irene then headed home, walking towards the big bungalow down the street. The building was made up of cream coloured stones and glass. Everyone who saw it, could see that it was no less than a work of art - it was that marvellous. Also, it was big enough to be called a mansion, almost.

Just as they were about to enter the house, a black Porsche entered their driveway. "Daddy!" Irene let out a squeel and ran towards the car, and before Ryan could even move, his daughter had already opened the door. He got down and lifted his little girl in his arms and hugged her.

"Hey! How's my little angel?" he asked her.

"I'm very good," Irene answered proudly, complementing herself. Ryan smiled at her childish innocence.

"Good Evening, Mr. Anderson," Mrs. Hubbard greeted her employer.

"Good Evening, Mrs. Hubbard," Ryan greeted back. They went inside and were greeted by the buttler, who helped Ryan with his coat as Mrs. Hubbard took Irene with her, for her evening bath. "Is dinner ready?" Ryan asked the buttler.

"No, sir. But it will be done within half an hour," Ryan nodded and went to his room to freshen up. He was quite exhausted himself. It had been a long day, shooting for the review of the newest Jaguar saloon.

Being a journalist was surely a tiresome job. But that is what he loved too. And his passion for his work combined with all the hard work he put in had made him one of the most sought after motor-journalist in the whole of New Zealand. Actually, it had made him THE most sought after motor-journalist in New Zealand as well as in Australia.

Once Ryan was done with getting freshened up, he checked the calendar that hung in his room for any important tasks for the following day. There were none, but the day after he had to take Irene for her annual vaccination. He quickly made a note of it on his phone, even after knowing that like always, he was going to remember it anyway.

Anything pertaining to Irene was something Ryan would never forget. He was a good father afterall, even though he had never expected that, nor had he ever thought of it. Having Irene wasn't something that he had planned. It was just a mistake, but actually a sweet mistake - he absolutely adored his daughter.

"Dinner is served, sir," The buttler came in and informed Ryan. Just then Irene came into his room whining about the food. She was followed by Mrs. Hubbard, who was trying to get her to agree to eat what was prepared.

"Whats wrong, honey?" Ryan asked looking into the eyes of his daughter, that were the same as his. After all, Irene had inherited majority of her features from her father.

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