Chapter 2 [Unedited]

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Megan pulled her favourite pink coat out from her closet. It was surely getting dirty. A dry cleaning could be a solution perhaps, she thought to herself and put the task up on her list.

It was Sunday, her day off from work, and therefore she decided to do some pending tasks. Her husband was on a business trip that week, so she had the full day to herself - full day for pampering herself, something she hadn't done in quite a while.

The past few weeks had been quite stressful for her, and judging from her undereye dark circles, they'd definitely taken a toll on her. She really needed some time to herself. She decided to go to the salon first, then to her cosmetologist, and then finally to the mall. But before anything, she had to go grocery shopping - she hadn't done any for the past two weeks, and was literally running out of supply.

She decided first to indulge herself in a long lavender bath. Coming out she put on a blush pink sweater top and a pair of blue jeans. She then tamed her hair in a french braid and put some light makeup on. She looked at the vanity mirror and admired herself for a moment. Her chocolate brown hair had been nicely combed, and every strand was in its place. Her brown eyes shone in the sunlight. With naturally blush cheeks, button nose and adequately full lips, Megan was a natural beauty.

She picked up her phone and kept it in her purse. Then she checked whether she was carrying enough cash, after which she put on a pair of black high autumn boots that she had bought in the previous month sale at Woodland. She went to the drawer and took her keys, and headed out of the apartment that she and her husband had been living in for the past six years. She had been married for almost five years now, and before that had been living in with her then boyfriend, now husband, Raynold Edwards.

Megan had met Raynold in college, when she was a medical student in the University of Auckland. Raynold, too was in the same university. He was a second year engineering student when they had met, at a college party. That was the beginning of their relationship. At first they were only good friends, but soon became lovers. But that was exactly where their relationship had been heading from the start - it was easy to see how much liking they had for each other.

In a steady relationship for almost two years, Raynold finally proposed to her after his graduation, and by next year, they were already a happily married couple. But after five years of marriage, Megan wasn't sure if she'd still call herself happily married. The two, who were once inseparable, were now constantly involved in a lot of arguing.

Megan pulled herself out of her thoughts as she got out of her apartment complex. She wasn't going to spoil her day off by getting such negativities in her head. She went to her car, a dark blue Mazda3 hatchback, and opened the door, but was stopped by her long time friend, Jenny, calling her name.

"Hey!" Megan greeted happily. Jennifer was the first friend Megan had made when she had moved in to her apartment, and the blue eyed blonde beauty had been her best friend ever since.

"So, where you going to?" Jenny asked Megan, while shortening the distance between them.

"Oh! Its my day off and I just thought to go grocery shopping."

"What?? You're going to do the groceries on your day off? Girl, come on, pamper yourself a little!"

"Yeah, sure, but once I'm done with the task at hand." Megan said pointing towards her grocery list.

Jenny placed her hand on her forehead and sighed "You're stubborn as usual, aren't you!" Megan only laughed at that. "Okay, then do your grocery shopping." She said putting her hands up in surrender. "Where's husband dearest? He's nowhere to be seen." She asked Megan.

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