Chapter 3 [Unedited]

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The curtains in the room were still shut, and Irene was yet to wake up. Ryan had come into the room to wake her up, but decided to give her some more time to sleep. He went to the kitchen downstairs, and made himself some coffee. He then went outside to check his mailbox, to see if there was anything new in there.

He pulled out the newspaper and his monthly subscription of The Natural Parent and went back inside. The weather wasn't too good outside anyway, the sky was still dark, though it was already eight in the morning and it looked as though it was about to rain.

He went back inside and sat with his coffee mug and the newspaper. He liked staying abreast with the current happenings of the world - blame it on his journalistic attitude. By the time he was through with reading the paper, Irene had woken up. She wished him Good Morning in her usual chirpy way, which like always, was music to Ryan's ears. He made her some milk with chocolate marshmallow Nesquick, which she happily drank.

It was a Monday, beginning of the week, and obviously, it was going to be a busy day for Ryan. It was also a School day for Irene, who was in her pre-schooling years. Next year she would be starting grade one. Ryan's phone went off, with its attempt of reminding him that he had to take Irene for her annual vaccination shots, something he already remembered.

He checked the time, and saw that it was already nine o'clock, that meant all the clinics would be open. He called the paediatric polyclinic he usually took Irene to, and made an appointment with them for six thirty that evening. Irene wasn't exactly a very big fan of getting shots, so he decided he could give her a treat perhaps, after they'd have been to the doctor.

Done with all the usual morning chores, Ryan went to get ready for work. He had an interview lined up with the head of Mercedes'es New Zealand division, about their goals and strategies - apparently their sales had boomed quite a lot in the previous quarter of the year. After that he had to shoot for the new supermini by Hyundai. By the time Ryan came downstairs, Mrs. Hubbard had already arrived, and had gotten Irene ready for school.

At that time, she was serving her some cereal for breakfast. Ryan too, went to the dining table to grab something to eat before he left. He was getting late anyway, might as well eat and go. He finished his french omelette with bacon, took his gray file and left for office. Thankfully luck was on his side as the ever so busy road was actually quite free when he went there, and that helped him reach his destination in less than fifteen minutes - that meant he was only five minutes late. Not that it mattered anyway, he was literally next to the head of his department and actually the assistant head of his department - that was motoring video department - in position, and the company was too happy to have him that even if he would be late every day, they'd still keep him.

He got into the big glass building, and as soon as he entered, everybody got up to greet him. He greeted them back, as a matter of politeness. He went towards the payroll desk and entered his fingerprint, after which he went to the elevator to get to his office floor.

He had a full floor to himself, which comprised of his room, his secretaries room, his selected subordinates' desks or mini rooms, a conference room, a media room and finaly, a library. The floor had modern interiors, with gray, white and black being the major colours. A lot of frosted glass was put to use too.

Ryan got into his room, that was actually big enough to be labeled huge. A large black mahogany desk stood in the centre equiped with all gadgets a journalist could require. The room had two couches on one side of the room with a coffee table, white the other had a huge shelf showing off a lot of his achievements, from trophies and medals to certificates - there was that much. And that was then when he had many more kept at home with him.

Season of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें