Big Time School Of Roque: Part II

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Before Persephone knew it, she was sitting in the recording studio in between James and Kendall with Logan and Carlos standing behind them. Each had a set of headphones on, listening to the man on the other side of the glass sing a knock off version of the guys' song. The girl had her head down and face to the controls, trying to hide the fact that that her face was filled with amusement as she tried not to laugh. The boys around her were cheering on the man as he finished up.

It's the only life ya got,
So you gotta live it big time

In attempting to end in a cool pose, he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. Persephone winced for him as she pulled out the newly recorded demo, and put it in a case while the guys ran into the recording booth with the man's belongings in hand. She walked to the other side of the glass to join them and held out the CD to the man, "Here's your super hot demo." He took the demo out of her hands and brought it to his lips.

Here's your briefcase." Carlos held out the bag to the man.

"Yes!" He shouted in excitement.

"Abd here's one one way ticket to Dusseldorf." Logan handed the man the ticket as the rest shot him a thumbs up.

He looked down at the belongings I'm his hands in appreciation, "What can I say except..." He bent down to pick up the rest of his bags, "Auf wiedersehen!" And with that, he took off in the direction of the exit as the teens smiled to each other in victory.

Kendall laughed and wrapped his arm around Persephone's shoulders, giving her a slight squeeze as a thank you, "Ok, now to tell Gustavo our teacher bailed, and we need to go to the Palm Woods School-" As the group turned around, they screamed as they saw Kelly and Gustsvo standing in front of them.

"Of course you can go there." Their teacher spoke sarcastically, "Now that your teacher is off to Germany, there's really no other option except- KELLY, GET THEM A NEW TEACHER!" Someone untrickable." He whipped off his sunglasses for dramatic affect, then rushed away. The boys were left with frowns on their faces. Persephone wrapped her arm around Kendall's waist, gave a pat to James' shoulder, and a smile to the boys behind her in reassurance.

"Man, we were so close." Carlos pouted and rested his head on Persephone's shoulder as she let go of James and patted her other friend on the head in sympathy.

"No you weren't." Kelly retorted, spinning on her heel and walking away to call a new teacher for the guys.


Not too long after. The boys were back in the supply closet with their new teacher standing in front of them: Mrs. Chisdak, who gave off the same energy as the Wicked Witch of the West. The guys had Persephone working on a new plan, knowing they'd owe her after for making her skip class to help bail them out. Though, the girl had to admit, she'd been having more fun than she had in years.

"So, you didn't like your first teacher? Well I didn't like him either. The moment he felt the heat, he ran for cover. But me? I'm battle-tested." She stood in front of Carlos and Kendall with a ruler in her hand, making Carlos a little jumpy, "I have a black belt and Ik not afraid to hit you with it. And there is nothing, NOTHING, you can say or do to get me to leave."

Just on time, Persephone opened the closet door with keys in hand, "Here's the keys to the Porche out front." She may or may not have snuck into Gustavo's office with the key she copied from the original, and stole the keys to his car. Kendall and James looked at her with adorable smiles, and Logan and Carlos discreetly gave each other a high five, "Leave now and it's yours." She jingles the keys a little, waiting for the woman to take the bait.

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