5. Dropped Off

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'Okay then.' I take a deep breathe in. 'You were quick with dropping me off on Takodona. I don't blame you. You were in a rush, needed to keep him-' I nod to where Grogu sat behind us. '-safe. I had people, I had family. He had no one but you.'

I never resented Din for dropping me off. That was the arrangement. But I would be lying if I said there wasn't still a little part of me that hoped he felt a little guilty. It meant that he cared about me, and I took comfort in that.

'Anyway, when you dropped me off, it soon became very apparent that dad wasn't going to come for a while, if at all.'

'How long were you there?' Din asks.

'Six months.'

'Six months?' Din interjects, shocked. I nod.

'It was fine though. Maz took me in, you knew she would. I just worked at the bar, waiting for him, or after a certain point, anyone, to show up. In all honesty, it was probably one of the safest places to stay hidden. Kylo Ren and the First Order seemingly only took issue with my existence once I joined the other side. I guess by joining the Resistance I actually posed as some sort of threat.'

'How did you end up joining?' Din asked. 'You seemed so...against it when you were younger. So when it started going round that you were fighting for them, I was a bit surprised.'

I sighed.

'I don't know if I was ever really against it exactly. I mean, how could I, given mom? I think it was more I couldn't comprehend fighting my own brother. I was naïve, I know that now. But there was still a part of me that saw Kylo Ren as my family. I couldn't fight him. I couldn't see him as my enemy.

But then that changed when dad eventually showed up. With Rey, and Finn, a BB8 droid. Oh, and Chewie obviously. Oh, guess what ship he rocked up in?'


'The Falcon.'

'What?!' Din seemed taken aback. 'How?'

'Rey and Finn stole it on Jakku, then dad and Chewie discovered it, with them on it. Anyway, they all show up at Maz's, and that's when it all sort of gets, well...fucked.

So, Maz's cantina's pretty full and busy, like it is most days. I'm ducked behind the bar, sorting out the clean glasses. That's when I hear Maz yell in her loud, booming voice "HAN SOLO!"'

As I'm telling Din the story, I attempt to do my best Maz impression.

'Almost on impulse, I shoot straight back up, knocking over all the glasses on top of the bar as I jolt upright. There's this massive crash and everyone turns to face me- and that's when I catch his eye in the door way.'

Something catches on my throat as I retell the story.

'"Dad!" I cried out.'

I had never felt such a mix of emotions as I had that day, seeing him again. Part of me was so excited to see him. I felt like a little kid again, when we used to spend time together. But there was also this deep set anger. He had left me. Forgotten about me. Again.

'He just stared at me. Completely wide eyed.'

'Wait, so he was surprised to see you?' Din asks.


'Even after everything we'd arranged with your mom?'

I nod.

'I just stared silently back at him. I guess I was waiting for an apology. Once he got over the shock of seeing his daughter unexpectedly for the first time in, I want to say, best part of a year, he just walks over to me. It was like a lightbulb had gone off in his head and he had suddenly remembered. He called out my name and beckoned me into a hug.

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