7. Awake

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I am sat upright in a small room. I hold my hand to my heart, and its beating normally. I notice my breathing. It is slow and relaxed. I look down and hold my hands out either side of me. I'm in a large, four poster bed with red satin sheets which my hands slowly stroke.

I look around the room. It has delicately red-patterned marbled floors, and a curved wall that leads into a balcony in front of the bed. The door to the balcony and windows stretch the entirerty of the tall walls, making the room bright with natural light. On either side of the bed sat small, white drawers. On the right hand wall sat a larger set of drawers, with a painting of a waterfall above it. On the left hand side sat a wardrobe made of the same white wood, and a small door. Next to the bed was also a larger door. I lean forwards slightly, and see at the end of my bed a chaise lounge in the same red colour as the sheets, where my lightsabre, dagger and small bag sit.

I think this is real. I can't really tell. I move the sheets off of my body, and turn to get out of bed.

'Ah...' As I go to move my legs, a pain shoots through them.

I look down. I'm wearing a pair of white linen trousers. Leaning over and lifting them up, I see that my legs are covered with bruises and scratches. I pull up on the sleeves on the white linen shirt I'm wearing, and see my arms are in a similar condition.

This must be real. There's no concievable way I'd be able to feel this pain if I was just in another vision. I try to move, and the same pain shoots up my legs. Gritting my teeth, I try to push through it.

'Hello?' I shout. Silence. An anxious bubble fills in my chest.

I try to get up again, whincing through the pain as I managed to move my legs so I'm now sitting on the bed, feet touching the floor. Grabbing onto one of the bed posters for support, I hoist myself up, breathing heavily.

I hobble slowly over to the balcony, grabbing onto the doors with their gold handles. I open them, and stand outside. I have never seen this place before. The sun illuminates all the green valleys and water in the distance. I'm obviously in a city, as for a few miles ahead there stands tall buildings with curved rooves. It's beautiful.

I close my eyes, letting the feeling of sun drench over me. Peacefulness fills me.

'Cyra!' I open my eyes suddenly to the sound of my name being called nearby. 'Cyra!' Louder this time.

'Hello?' I turn slowly around, leaning back against the balcony wall for support, struggling to stand on my feet. I move my head forwards to see into the bedroom.

'Cy-Oh!' Din Djarin stands in front of the bed, turning to face me. Armour still on. 'Cyra, when did you wake up? Why are you out of bed?' His voice filled with genuine concern and slight anxiety.

'I don't know, I-' Before I had much time to answer his questions, Din had paced quickly over to where I was on the balcony.

'You shouln't be standing...' He puts his arms round my shoulders,  leading me away.

'Din, really. There's no need...' I reply, resisting his assistance. 'I don't want to get back into bed...'

'You need to.' Din grips my shoulders slightly harder, but in a caring way, forcing me towards the bed. I don't understand why he has suddenly gotten so protective.

'Din...' He ignores me. I try to stop walking, but, especially given my current incapacity, he remains much stronger than me. 'DIN!'

I shake off his assistance too abruptly and lose my balance, falling to the floor. My legs hit the marbled floor with a heavy smack.

'Cyra!' Din shouts slightly panicked, bending down to help me. I bite my lip, trying to ignore the pain and slight feeling of embarassment. I finally accept Din's help, and grab onto his arms for support as he helps lift me back to my feet. I hobble back into the bed, whincing one again as I return to the position I woke up in.

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