Chapter 2

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Drista started her plan almost immediately. She first talked to Technoblade and his brother.

"Hello!" Drista had said, as politely as polite could get. She smiled at Technoblade, "I'm such a fan! My name is Drista! Oh my gosh, the real Technoblade, unbelievable!!"

Technoblade laughed nervously. 

"Mind if I talk to your brother?" She asked, both her hand behind her back. Her ponytail was completely messed up, her mask completely covering her face, masking a manipulative smirk.

"Sure thing. I'll just go get... food...?" Technoblade started walking off, leaving the two younger people alone. 

"So..." Chris prompted. (Please know I have no idea what his name is so I just looked it up and Chris came up. :] )

Drista hummed quietly, "How would you like to join my nation?"

"Your... nation...?" He frowned slightly.

"Yep! Drista Supremacy." 

"Huh. What about Technoblade though?" 

"Forget him. Forget all the originals. Let's just go off and do our own thing. Otherwise they're always going to be around us, and it'll get annoying." Drista crossed her arms. "So, are you joining or are you going to be lame?"

"That's toxic." Chris said.


"It's alright. And sure, I'll come." He agreed. A sly smile crossed Drista's face. "Cool cool! Follow me."

"Can I say bye?"

"No. Come on, we are on a time schedule." 

Chris looked behind, then followed Drista.

The two ran through the forest quickly, staying undetected by everyone. When they eventually made it back to the start of Drista Supremacy, Tommy was casually carving out the ravine. 

Drista Supremacy was a giant ravine, in which Tommy and Drista had started carving out and cutting small homes/buildings in the sides.

"Hey Tommy!" Drista greeted him. Tommy waved as Drista jumped down to the bottom of the ravine, landing with an epic water MLG.

"Ayyyeeeeeeee!" Tommy said, setting down his pickaxe. 

"Tommy, meet Chris!" Drista introduced. Chris waved slightly.

"Did you... tell him?" Tommy asked slowly.

"Not yet." Drista said, glancing back at Chris, who was starting to carve out another part of the ravine. "We need to convince him to be on our side completely."

Tommy simply nodded in response.

"In the time being, you two keep doing this. I'm gonna talk to Dream, keep the suspicion away."

"Ok." Tommy nodded then kept digging out the ravine.

Drista started making her way towards Dream's home. 

Of course, she had no desire to talk. She only wanted to cause chaos. She wanted to drive the originals apart, making it easier to attack them. 

Drista snuck inside Dream's house, looking around and digging through his chest's, eventually finding something worthy of taking.

The Resurrection Book.

How Drista managed to even hold such a prized possession, only Drista knew the ways.

She pulled out a simple white cloth/bandana from out of her pocket, hanging it on a fence outside.

It wasn't completely visible. Drista knew Sapnap wouldn't make such a mistake, but if he did he wouldn't have known. 

Drista quickly left the area, holding the book under her arm. Not only did she just start a war between Sapnap and Dream, driving the two best friends apart, she also opened up her chance of war, and taking over the server.

Adding onto that, if someone lost all their lives and needed resurrection, only she had the power to do that!

And she would only do that for people on her side.

She made it back to the ravine and began helping Chris and Tommy clear it out.

Very little time later, Tubbo and Lani joined the server. Tommy decided to go with Drista this time, to say hello to Tubbo.

The two walked over to Lani and Tubbo, who were farming.

"Tubbboooo!" Tommy said, hugging his best friend. Tubbo hugged him back.

Lani waved at Drista, and Drista smiled warmly, waving back.

"Lani, wanna help me get some wood?" Drista offered.

"Yeah!" Lani said, glancing over at Tommy and Tubbo.

The two girls walked into the woods.

"So, Lani, do you have a house?" Drista asked.

"No. I was planning on living with Tubbo, but I dunno."

"You can stay with me, in Drista Supremacy," Drista offered, laughing at how stupid the name sounded.

Lani chuckled, "Drista Supremacy, eh? Well, sure I guess!"

Drista smiled, knowing she and Lani would get along well. Both of them were around the same age. Drista was only a few months older, probably. 

"Cool!" She said, cutting some wood. Lani did the same thing.

From in the distance, there was an explosion sound. Lani and Drista made eye contact.

"Should we go back?" Lani asked, worried.

"Yeah..." Drista nodded. They quickly made their way back to Tommy and Tubbo, who both looked shocked.

"What the hell did Dream just do?" Tubbo asked. "Lani, stay here. I'll be right back."

Tubbo ran in the direction of the explosion, not stopping despite Tommy's protests.

Tommy looked at Drista, eyes wide.

"What did you do Drista?!" Tommy asked.

No response.

Drista looked into the distance, where smoke was settling in the sky.

In the left hand corner of the screen, two yellow lines appeared.

One read: Sapnap was exploded by Dream.

The second read: Tubbo was caught in the explosion and died.


Hi! Ik I haven't updated in a while, but here's a good update ig. Please excuse any spelling errors I may have missed. 

I hope you are enjoying this story. I'll update later on, maybe tomorrow (almost corrected that to Tommyinnit how tf-) if I have time. :)


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